Jenny wakeman vs huey

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Jenny Wakeman: "You have to go through me if you're taking her. I won't let you harm my mother."

Evil Huey Freeman: "Well, well, well. What do we have here? A teenage robot with an attitude. Very bold. And you're a robot? I'm surprised you have feelings. Unlike you, I have no emotions. It's very liberating."

Jenny Wakeman: "I thought you were on our side, the good guys. You're supposed to protect and serve the people, not harm them."

Evil Huey Freeman: "Being a hero is overrated. We're not here to protect and serve. We're here to take what is ours and make it work for us. And that includes your mother and her expertise."

Jenny Wakeman: "You'll have to go through me first. I won't let you lay a finger on her."

Evil Huey Freeman: "Oh, we will. Don't worry about it. But it won't be easy. You're a tough robot to break. But we'll find a way."

Jenny Wakeman: "Bring it on! You'll never take my mother!"

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Jenny Wakeman: "Bring it on! You'll never take my mother!"

As Jenny Wakeman attacked first, Huey Freeman phased out, leaving her to hit the wall cartoonishly.

Evil Huey Freeman: "Ha! Missed me!"

Jenny Wakeman: "How did you do that?"

Evil Huey Freeman: "I have powers that you can only dream of, little robot. But don't worry, you'll get to experience them soon enough."

Jenny Wakeman tried again, but this time, Evil Huey Freeman roundhouse kicked her, sending her sprawling on the ground.

Evil Huey Freeman: "Pathetic. You robots really are no match for us Hueys. We're faster, stronger, and more powerful than you could ever imagine."

Jenny Wakeman: "You may be stronger, but you lack empathy and compassion. Those are the things that make us better than you."

Evil Huey Freeman: "Empathy and compassion? Hah! Those are just weaknesses. They cloud your judgment and make you vulnerable. You robots could learn a lot from us." Nora wakeman

They continued to fight, each one using their unique set of skills to gain an advantage. Jenny Wakeman was amazed at how a regular human could keep up with her. It was clear that these versions of Huey Freeman were not ordinary people, and that they posed a significant threat to the world.

The outcome of the fight was uncertain, but one thing was clear: each of them was determined to win at all costs, and none of them was backing down.

As Jenny Wakeman continued to fight against Evil Huey Freeman, she fired her Duo Decimator, but it was deflected off him with barely any effort. She then fired multiple barrages at him, but he manipulated her own missiles to come back at her. As she was dodging, he reappeared behind her and charged up his fist, and before she knew it, he chopped off her robotic arm.

During the fight, Jenny Wakeman noticed that Evil Huey Freeman's armor was constantly breaking, but his shield was holding up. Suddenly, she saw that Huey had taken one of the broken shards and inserted it into his chest.

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