alternate versions of revolutionary Huey is going threw universe wreaking havoc . Take place after civil war
Then leader is SB-120 Huey who smiles
He is planning to get a crystal call the amonix shard . If he achieves gathering them, their world...
Huey Freeman and the Grim Knight (who is also a version of him), as Kim Possible watches helplessly from outside the Vibranium force field:
Grim Knight: "Ah, a worthy opponent has finally come to face me. There can only be one Huey Freeman, and only one of us will come out alive."
Huey Freeman: "I don't want to fight you. We shouldn't be fighting each other."
Grim Knight: "Oh, spare me your idealistic ramblings. You and I both know that there can only be one Huey Freeman. You won't walk out of here alive."
Huey Freeman: "I don't want to fight you, but I won't let you hurt anyone else. We need to find a peaceful solution to this."
Grim Knight: "Peaceful solution? How naive. You think the Grim Knight is capable of peace? I am the Grim Knight, I bring death and destruction wherever I go."
(Huey and Grim Knight charge at each other, their movements are fluid and precisely calculated. They exchange blows and counter-moves, both attempting to gain an advantage.)
Kim Possible: "Huey, come on! We have to get out of here!"
Huey Freeman: "Stay back, Kim. I've got this."
(Grim Knight and Huey continue to fight, their blows reverberating throughout the room. Huey's agility and quick thinking give him the upper hand, but Grim Knight keeps fighting back with deadly precision.)
(Grim Knight and Huey continue to fight, their blows reverberating throughout the room. Grim Knight uses Vibranium gadgets to disable Huey's armor, getting the upper hand in the fight.)
Grim Knight: "You were always too weak, Huey. You can't stand up to the power of the Grim Knight."
Huey Freeman: "It's not about power, it's about doing what's right. What you're doing is wrong."
(Grim Knight gains the upper hand and has Huey at his mercy.)
Grim Knight: "I'll make this quick, Huey. I'll end your pathetic existence right now." He starts shooting at him with dual pistols Huey blocking the bullets .he dodged him and disarmed him .
(Huey suddenly stabs Grim Knight with a hidden blade, causing him to scream in pain and fall to the ground.)
(Grim Knight presses a button and shocks Huey, causing him to convulse in pain. Grim Knight then pulls the blade out of himself and smirks, seemingly unaffected by the attack.)
Grim Knight: "My turn."
(He shoots a grapple at Huey and Kim, but they dodge. However, the grapple pulls a block from the wall that hits Kim in the back of the head, knocking her unconscious. Huey is distracted by Kim's fall and is punched in the face by Grim Knight, sending him flying.)
(Huey keeps dodging the Grim Knight's blades and bullets, but gets close and pounces on him. However, Grim Knight's armor made of Uru metal, is stronger than Vibranium, causing Huey's punches to have no effect.)
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