Garnet vs New Killmonger

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The arrival of Garnet caused a momentary pause in the battle. The panther-suited warrior's opponents stepped back for a moment, watching as Garnet sizied up their mutual enemy.

Without a word, Garnet lunged forward, her fist connecting with the warrior's chest. He was sent flying back, his body hitting the ground with a thud.

For a moment, he lay there motionless. But then something strange happened. He began to laugh - a deep, rumbling sound that echoed across the battlefield.

"You hit like a feather," he said, still chuckling. "Is that all you've got?"

The Dora Milaje exchanged a glance, unsure of what to make of their opponent's reaction. But they knew one thing for sure: they were in for a tough battle.

As the panther-suited warrior absorbed more of the crystal, his eyes began to glow with a sinister light. His grin widened, revealing sharp teeth that looked more like that of a wild animal than a human's.

Garnet was caught off guard as he spoke of murdering her prince in his world. Huey Freeman was in danger, and Garnet knew she had to act fast. She pinned him down, determination in her eyes.

"No, I've got to," she said, trying to hold him down.

But as she did so, she felt a sharp pain in her chest. Looking down, she saw the claw embedded in her gem. She began to turn back into her gem form, unable to move or fight back.

Kill-monger laughed, a deep, cruel sound that echoed through the battlefield

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Kill-monger laughed, a deep, cruel sound that echoed through the battlefield. He was pleased with his progress, and knew that he was one step closer to achieving his ultimate goal.
Kilmonger picked it up and shattered it completely crushing it
"Time to take this back ."
He escaped

As the soldiers and civilians gathered around the gem, they realized it was actually Garnet's shattered form.
Okoye carefully picked up the gemstone and held it close to her chest, determined to bring it to a safe location.

 Okoye carefully picked up the gemstone and held it close to her chest, determined to bring it to a safe location

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Meanwhile, the panther-suited warrior had managed to obtain the Aminox shard. He grinned triumphantly as he gazed at the glowing crystal, planning his next move.

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