What a next

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Huey Freeman kept a watchful eye over her as they moved forward, looking for a safe place to rest. Jake Long flew ahead, scouting out the area from above and reporting back on any potential dangers. Rex Salazar used his nanites to scan for any threats while Jenny Wakeman kept a lookout for any signs of life, robotic or otherwise. anza , the silent warrior, guided the group with strategic hand signals. Meanwhile, Nick Fury contacted SHIELD for backup, hoping to get Kim the help she needed before it was too late.

As Kim lay unconscious in the hospital bed, her friends and teammates waited anxiously for her recovery. Huey, Rex, Danny, Jake Long, and Jenny Wakeman all stood by her side, hoping that she would soon wake up from her coma state.

 Huey, Rex, Danny, Jake Long, and Jenny Wakeman all stood by her side, hoping that she would soon wake up from her coma state

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Huey: "Come on, Kim. You have to wake up. We need you back on the team."

Rex: "Yeah, we can't do this without you. You're our leader."

Danny: "I'm so sorry about what happened. If I had been faster, I could have stopped Grim Knight from hurting you."

Jake: "It's not your fault, Danny. We all did the best we could. And now we just have to wait for Kim to get better."

Jenny: "Her vitals are stable for now, but we won't know when she'll fully recover."

Days passed, and everyone began to feel hopeless. Kim was still unresponsive, and Grim Knight was still at large. The team knew they had to act fast to stop him before he could do more harm.

And then, on the fourth day, Kim suddenly stirred in her sleep.

Huey: "Kim, you're awake!"

Rex: "Thank goodness. How are you feeling?"

Kim: "Ugh...my head...what happened?"

Jake: "You were hurt. Grim Knight almost gutted  you and you've been in a coma for four days."

Kim: "I'm okay, I think. Wait What happened again ?"

Huey: "You were injured in an explosion. It's been a few days since then."

Jenny: "We were all really relieved when you woke up. You had us worried for a while there."

Danny: "Yeah, we were pretty scared. But you're tough, Kim. You pulled through."
Huey :y'all was scared ."
Ben : I don't get scared
Rex : same here

I didn't word it like that ."
Jake :I'm not scared It's a team effort thing remember
Rex :Ok I guess you right if you put it that way .

Ben: "You'll be back to your usual crime-fighting self in no time."
Kim : Ah That's so swear guys ."
Huey : just rest ok

Kim: "Thanks, guys. I couldn't have done it without you."

Jx9: gives a thumbs up

Everyone chuckles.

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