Chapter 4

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As Oliver's eyes adjusted to the light, he realized he was in the same small glass jar he had been in before passing out. He tried to move, but found that he was stuck in it with no way out. Fear gripped him as he realized he was trapped, and his breathing became rapid.

he heard a voice that sounded vaguely familiar. It was his host, speaking softly to him. Oliver recognized the voice and unable to calm down, he closed his eyes and focused on his breathing, trying to slow his breathing down. he couldn't ruin his small air supply, who knew how long he would be held captive.

As he calmed down, he began to listen to what the human was saying. "I'm sorry I scared you, little guy," the host said. "I didn't mean to frighten you." strangely enough, the human seemed to have lowered its voice since their last encounter.

Oliver opened his eyes and looked up at the human. He saw that the teen had a gentle smile on his face and was looking at him with a mix of curiosity and concern. Oliver never really had a chance to study the human closely like this.

Surprisingly enough, the human had emerald green eyes, but they weren't menacing, they looked kind, like grassy meadows, and they had a gleam of curiosity in them. his hair reminded Oliver of bird feathers, black, but it shined with bluish purple. like ravens.

"w-what do you w-want with me? what are you going to to to me?" Oliver asked hesitantly.

"What do you-" a spark of realization seemed to hit the human "No, no! I promise I won't hurt you," the host replied with a slightly hurt expression "I just want to understand what you are and how you got here."

Oliver felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe he could find a way out of this mess after all. He took a deep breath and tried to collect his thoughts. 'can I trust a human? he seems nice enough, but he also put  me in a jar and caused me to pass out...twice' he thought for a few minuets, until the human spoke again.

" you have a name, or should I just call you short stack?"  he asked in an attempt to break the ice. at which he so horribly failed.

"o-of course I have a name!" he said defiantly, clearly not getting the joke. then realizing he may have angered the human by speaking so brashly, apologized "s-sorry, my names O-Oliver"

"That's a cool name, mine is Isaac" the teen said with a teethy smile. Oliver noted how big the humans mouth was.

"S-so um...could let me out now, I-its kind of uncomfortable in here." Oliver asked, internally praying the giant would say yes.

"Will you swear on the River Stix to stay if I do?" Isaac said with a hint of sarcasm.

"what's a r-river stixs?" the borrower asked, tilting his head like a confused puppy. and Isaac had to contain an 'aww'. 

"never mind, but will you?" he asked hopefully.

Oliver considered his options. He could either say no and risk the humans wrath, or he could say yes and have a chance for escape.

"I-I suppose..." he said hesitantly.

As soon as he had said the words, Oliver immediately regretted it, Isaac abruptly reached into the jar trying to fish him out. when he had seen he humans intentions, Oliver pushed himself as far away as he could from it. he wanted nothing to do with that thing. Unfortunately though, Isaac was too quick, and caught Oliver by the shirt.

The borrower was then lifted out of the jar and through the air. The whole room spun around him as he was held by his shirt and placed onto the humans desk. As soon as his feet hit the wood, Oliver bolted for the nearest hiding place, which so happened to be the nearby pencil case. Oliver sat behind the large bag, shaking like a leaf, and holding his legs close to him.

"Wha-Oliver, why did you run?" Isaac said, in a soft yet booming voice. causing a large gust of hot air to blow onto Oliver, making him to shiver more violently. "Please come out, I didn't mean to startle you...again"

Though the tiny boy did not know it, Isaac could see Oliver perfectly well without him coming out, but he would still give Oliver the choice. The human continued to plead to Oliver, but the borrower was in the midst of one of his 'attacks'.

Oliver was scared, more then he had ever been in his entire life. He had been caught, and when the human had been kind, he had run and very likely angered the human. Now he was hiding in a rather obvious place, but Oliver didn't want to move. Isaac continued to talk but Oliver couldn't hear over the sounds of his pulse slamming against his eardrums.

"*sigh* fine, if you don't want to come out, I wont force you." The human said in a sad and quite frankly defeated tone. These words, Oliver did manage to hear, and they surprised him greatly. 'What is this guy trying to pull? Couldn't he just kill me if he wanted to? Why make me wait' Oliver thought to himself but was interrupted by the sound of the human leaving the room.

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