Chapter 14

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Oliver sat perched on Isaac's shoulder watching what the human was doing. The boy walked into the kitchen retrieving various snack items and placing them on the counter.

"This is going to be the best movie night ever" he seemed excited which made Oliver happy, even if he didn't understand what was going on.

"So what do we do during a 'movie night'?" The borrower asked slightly perplexed.

"Well we eat snacks and watch movies" the human brought all the items to the living room and sat them down next to the couch. "There all set! Now, where do you wanna sit?"

"Uhm...I'm fine right here, but maybe in your hand later on." Isaac nodded and reached for the remote. He pushed a button on it and the large rectangle that-Oliver had taken to be some form of wired human art-clicked on showing a variety of colors and moving images. "Woah..."

"Right. So what should we watch...oh I know the perfect movie!!" He switched it to some kind of movie about lions "this one is my favorite!! It's called The Lion King, and it's about this lion cub becoming the leader and stuff, really interesting"

Oliver decided to trust Isaac's judgement and just nod encouragingly. Isaac handed the borrower some snacks and pressed play. Oliver was transfixed with the story and amazed by how the pictures could be moving on their own. There were a few times when Isaac laughed a bit too much and Oliver lost his balance but that was the only mishap.

After they finished the lion movie they watched one about fish and another about a girl with long hair. It was getting late after the last movie had ended and Isaac was about to ask his friend if they both wanted to retire for the night, when he noticed that Oliver had fallen asleep.

He stared or a few seconds, he hardly ever got to see the borrower this close up. The way his tan skin was dotted with thousands of itty bitty freckles, the way his hair was slightly messy, and the way he smiled a bit was he dreamed. Isaac wondered what the tiny was dreaming about thoughtfully. He snapped out of his trance realizing he had been staring longer then usual.

"Let's get you to bed little guy" he carefully scooped up the tiny boy off his neck. The tiny shifted with the movement but the teen smushed him calmly and stroked his back soothingly. He walked cautiously so as to not wake Oliver, and laid him down on his bed, then went back to the living room to clean up the mess they'd made.

When Isaac returned to his bedroom he saw the tiny Oliver snuggled comfortably in his sheets. The human got ready for bed and joined him. He cuddled his friend close and fell asleep peacefully. He dreamed of the blonde boy, and his adorable smile. He dreamed of them together one day, closer then ever. He dreamed of he and Oliver happy in a tranquil place, without the barrier of size difference. And lastly he dreamed of all the happy times they'd had so far, and the ones to come.

The next morning Isaac was the first to wake. He yawned and stretched glancing down at his tiny friend. He pet the boy gently then Oliver began to stir. He sighed, realizing he would have to wake up the sleeping ball of chaos.

He smiled as he carefully reached to pick up his friend"Common buddy, it's time to wake up" he tapped Oliver gently and the tiny rubbed his eyes while yawning. His blonde hair was messed with bed-head and he blinked groggily. "Good morning my sunshine"

"Mmm, good morning" the borrower sat up in Isaac's palm.

Isaac checked his phone on the nightstand. "Shoot"

"Mmm...what?" The borrower blinked, tired and confused.

"Hey umm, hate to break it to you bud, but I do have school again today." Isaac said and was met with a frowning Oliver "I'm guessing you don't want to come again today"

"No,I don't know how you stand it! It's soo boring"

"Well thats college for you, and I have to pay to go so i cant really afford to skip"

"WHY WOULD YOU PAY FOR THAT!?" Oliver looked completely baffled.

"Honesty, I ask myself that all the time" Isaac chuckled lightly. "But I still gotta go" Oliver sighed as he signaled for Isaac to lift him up.

Isaac placed the borrower on his nightstand then went to get ready for the day. When it was time to go Oliver saw him off and then headed back to his house. The tiny teen didn't really have anything to do except go borrowing, but he didn't really need anything and since meeting Isaac, he hadn't really gone borrowing at all. So Oliver just headed back to his house to be bored.

Oliver walked to his house, when he opened the door though, he was met with another gaze.

"Hello Oliver"

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