Chapter 21

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Liam sat quietly in shock as the human, Gabe, explained how Oliver-his brother- had been caught by some friend of the human's and apparently they became friends. Oh and the little detail that neither Gabriel nor his friend knew where Oliver was.

"So, you're saying he's missing." Except Liam knew that Oliver had recently shown up at the empire. Which means that the story Njinga has told him about Oliver was false, and the humans were kind. But Liam wasn't going to just blatantly trust a human either.

Gabriel nodded "Isaac has been worried sick about him, and it's taking a seriously large blow to his mental health." Gabriel looked at the tiny boy who was looking down thoughtfully. The boy still hadn't told Gabriel his name and he thought to address that "so what's your name lil dude?" the chipper human quipped.

Liam snapped out of his thoughts. He had been unconsciously tracing the lines of the hand next to him, and only then realized how dangerous it was and shyed away. "Um, Liam." The tiny boy refused to make eye contact with Gabriel, who frowned when he realized.

"Uhm, hey...i-I'm sorry if I'm scaring you...not really used to being around tiny people. Oliver was really the only borrower before you and even then it was only for a split second" he retracted his hand and self consciously rubbed his neck, averting his gaze as to not make the borrower uncomfortable.

Liam looked up, missing the warmth of the giant's hand next to him. He tried to not show the emotion on his face. The borrower finally looked up to the human, shocked to finally see what he looked like. The strawberry blonde beach curls were a stark contrast to his oak colored skin. He had several pieces of metal on his ears and nose, high confused Liam.

"Why do you have metal on your face" Liam spoke in a less then audible mumble. Gabriel's eyes snapped back to Liam's as he touched his face.

"What do you....oh! You mean my piercings?" He tilted his head sideways with a curious expression on his face. "Yeah they're for like...decoration i guess. I thought they'd be cool so i did 'em myself."

" they hurt?" Liam couldn't for the life of him figure out why someone would need such things on oneself.

"Only a little at first, kinda like a pinch. But after a few weeks they heal up and you don't even feel em" the human shrugged. He mentally noted how much calmer Liam had gotten after he had retracted his hand and just given the borrower some space.

Liam nodded, brows furrowed but understanding the basic premise of them. He began to stand up when he felt a stinging pain in his wrist. He made a sound of discomfort and sat back down, searching through his travelers pack for medical supplies.

Gabriel noticed this action. He instinctively reached to help out or getting to keep his distance from the tiny boy.

Liam didn't notice the humans actions, being too consumed in his search for the provided swabs and gauzes' that were supposed to be in his pack. So when the giant hand just scooped him up, he was about as calm as you could imagine.

"GAH! W-what are you-you d-doing?!" His voice cracked a he yelped uncomfortably.

"Uhh, dude you're hurt, I'm getting you medicine to help" the human seemed completely oblivious, in stark contrast to the overly observant he had been in the minutes prior. Gabriel rushed to the kitchen, opening the medicine cabinet and rustling around with his empty hand for the right medication.

Liam meanwhile was i mix of emotions. For one, he had just met a human, and was less than willing to be this close. For another thing, he also knew how hard human medicine was to come by, and he couldn't miss the opportunity. Plus, Gabe was holding him in his open palm, and it was quite comfortable for the young borrower.

Gabriel found the right medication, a small tube of ointment for pain, and something to wrap it in afterwards. He carried the tiny boy and the supplies to his bedroom and set them both carefully down on his desk.

Liam didn't like being handled so much by someone he had just met, but he didnt hate how warm and soft the humans hand had been. Gabe sat down in front of the borrower yet again, looking down at him. "So, where is the most pain?" He looked closely.

Liam showed him where the wrist had been bruised and scratched, the human leaned in so close that Liam could feel the hot chamomile  scented breath of the human. Gabriel carefully pinched Liam's arm between his forefinger and thumb pulling it towards him. Liam sat extremely still as Gabe worked on spreading the ointment on his wrist and wrapped it up.

"Is-is that any better" the human filly backed up, leaving Liam slightly dazed on the desktop.

The boy inspected his wrist, Surprised at how intricately wrapped it was, Gabriel seemed to have the skills of a surgeon, with precise movements that were ever so slightly giddy. The Liam let out a breath he had unintentionally holding in. Nodding, he stood up and looked Gabriel in the eye.

"Thank you, it's very well done. But could you maybe...ask...before picking me up like that next time?" The borrower wasn't sure if such a request was allowed, but asked anyway.

"O-oh yeah sorry....i sometimes get 'in the zone' and forget that it might be scary for you. I'll be sure to ask next time..." the human blushed and looked out to the window. "Is getting pretty dark out, and I'm guessing you don't have a place to sleep tonight"

Liam hadn't thought about sleeping arrangements. Heck! He didn't think he'd las this long around a human, of all things. His entire day had been kinda whacked from the beginning, and he wasn't exactly too concerned with matters so minuscule as sleep. But now that the human had mentioned it, Liam realized just how exhausted his body was. He was ready to just curl up right there and sleep.

"Uh im not sure, i can sleep her if your okay with that..." he shrugged.

Gabriel mad a gesture of mock offense "oh that wont do, that wont do at all" he lifted his had to Liam, palm up "get in looser, were getting you a decent bed" he sarcastically made the quote.

Liam didn't understand that Gabriel was quoting a joke, and took it as both an order and an insult. He frowned and walked onto the hand "I'm not a looser..." he mumbled, thinking that Gabriel couldn't hear him.

"Oh..oh honey, no i-it's a joke, i didn't-aw cruddlesticks...I'm sorry man, its a human joke, but i guess you wouldn't know" he lifted up the tiny to his face. Liam nodded understandingly, and sat down in the open palm.

"It's okay, you'll just have to show me more of your 'human jokes' sometime"

"Bet. Now, to find you a bed" the human searched around hir rom for a decent resting place. After a few minutes oof looking he still hadn't fund something suitable for the tiny boy. "Well buddy I can't find-"

He looked down while talking only to be met with a completely conked out Liam resting in his hand. His heart melted at the sight of the tiny boy, who must have been having a good dream, because he was smiling. Smiling...that was the first time he had seen Liam smile before. He hoped that one day, Liam would trust him enough to smile around him.

"Okay buddy, you can sleep there" he carefully got into his bed and turned off his night light. ""G'night buddy"

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