Chapter 13

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"What the heck." The new human said as he stared down at a startled Oliver in his palm.

Oliver had been happily munching on his lunch and conversing with Isaac when  suddenly there was a commotion and he was swept away by some strange human.

"Uhh" the human said, Oliver snapped back to reality, his instincts kicking in instantly. He sprung from the new humans grasp and landed roughly on Isaac. He instantly scrambled to the safety of Isaac's grasp, hugging the human tightly and looking up to him in desperation.

"Don't you dare touch him" Isaac said in a tone that Oliver wouldn't want directed at himself.

"Woah dude chill, what's your damage man?" He said "wait...him? Who is-" but Isaac gave him a glare that mad the other shut up immediately.

Isaac turned to the small boy in his palms "hey buddy, you okay?" He said in a gentle whisper. Oliver looked up to meet the human's gaze, with a worried expression.

"Uhh, he's kinda scary" the borrower whispered back, glancing over at the new human. Oliver gasped when he locked eyes with a confused and awkward Gabriel.

The new human had strawberry blonde hair that was mid length, oddly enough the human seemed to have pink eyes, that were shielded by large bottle glasses. He seemed pretty average for a human, and gauging by his reaction, he probably had never seen someone like Oliver before.

"So uhm, sorry for like, grabbing you little guy." He shifted awkwardly. Isaac looked back down at his tiny friend to see how he responded to this apology.

"I-it's fine..." he said in a clear voice. Gabriel's face lit up with the tiny's reply and he scooted a little closer to get a better look, glancing at Isaac for permission.

"Can I see you, I promise to be gentle" Oliver looked at the human boy and then back at Isaac then nodded. Isaac lifted his hands to showcase Oliver careful to shield him from any other nearby students.

"Woah" Gabriel said then remembering his manners, he lifted out his hand for a handshake. When he was met with Oliver's puzzled expression he realized a handshake might be hard for someone his size. He laughed nervously and just stuck out his pointer finger. The tiny grabbed it with his whole hand and shuck it up once.

"My name is Gabriel, sorry for the bad first impression"

"Oliver..." the borrower said slightly awkward form the whole ordeal.

"Ahem, we'll anyways, Gabe what we're you going to tell me?" Isaac said in an attempt to shift the attention off of Oliver.

"Oh, we'll I was going to invite you over to play Kario Mart at my place with some of the gang, but then I uhm...yeah sorry"

"Oh it's cool. what do you think Ol, wanna go hang at Gabes place? We can just go home if you want." Oliver had to think. He could go to a relative stranger's house with a bunch of other noisy humans. Or he could go home and be bored in his house while Isaac hung out with his other friends. Oliver could hang with Isaac but that would mean meeting more people, and he wasn't up for that today.

"I think I just want to go's been a long day" the tiny yawned, further proving his point, and simultaneously causing both of the humans to aww and coo at him.

"Omgs he is so cute dude" Gabriel said fawning over the little teen.

"Kay, so I guess we'll hang out another time Gabe" Isaac said, this caused Oliver to look at him shocked.

"Isaac you don't have to change your plans just because I don't want to go."

"No it's fine, I'm tired from school anyway"

"Yeah it's chill, we can probably get the gang together during next break" Then the bell rang and both of the boys had to rush back to class, Oliver tagging along with Isaac.

Once the school day was finished Oliver and Isaac headed back home "so Ol, what do you wanna do tonight?" Isaac said looking at his friend who was happily perched on his shoulder.

"Uhm, I don't know, how about you chose" he smiled sweetly.

"We could watch a movie"

"Uhh.." Oliver looked confused and asked "what exactly is a movie?"

Isaac gasped dramatically "have you never seen a movie before?! Oh we have to see one together for sure!" Oliver blushed at how excited Isaac was getting about all this.

"Okay then, but how do we watch a movie?" Oliver inquired stifling a giggle.

"I'll show you" Isaac said as he rushed back home.

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