Chapter 9

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Please note that this chapter will contain topics of death and loss that may scare younger readers. Reader caution is advised.

One day, Oliver decided to go into the garden to borrow some fruit. Oliver trudged along under the tall stocks of plants. The golden light of the sun flickered through lush leaves. A light breeze made the sweet smell of pollen drift about Oliver. The borrower boy looked up and among the leaves and stems of a bush he saw the soft glint of bright red raspberry's, the perfect ripeness.

Oliver threw up his hook. As it soared through the air, the metal sparkled when the sun caught it gleaming a bright silver. It snagged on the third branch up and wrapped around twice before being pulled taught. With skill that can only be found in someone like Oliver, the boy scaled the plants' enormous stock. Once he had reached the top, Oliver stood shakily upon the weak branch, scoping out nearby berries.

He spied one, on the next branch over, and began to head over to it. Once he reached it, he took his knife and began to cut the berry off from the base. One was large enough to last him a few days, so Oliver began to head back to the house. As he passed by the bedroom window he saw Isaac drawing at his desk.

Oliver watched and tried to figure out what the human was drawing. Then, sensing his gaze Isaac looked up and spotted Oliver. He smiled and waved politely, then lifted the drawing up to reveal a portrait of Oliver. In the picture, he was standing next to a pencil case smiling brightly, his golden hair illuminated by the lamp light.

Oliver blushed and nodded encouragingly before heading back to continue home.

He walked along the brickwork, remembering when he had first arrived. Oliver gassed up at the ivy growing along the wall. He scaled it, reminiscing about his childhood. His mind wandered aimlessly as he remembered bits and pieces from his life before moving here.

He was running along the narrow corridors of his original home he heard the soft footfalls behind him. Oliver looked over his shoulder to see his best friend quickly catching up. "Na na! You'll never catch me!!" Kid Oliver teased, as he continued running. He heard laughing farther back behind him.

He ducked under a stray pipe, made sharp turns, and strategically maneuvered around the camped environment inside the corridors of the walls. He heard a scream and stopped abruptly, looking back to where he had run from. The borrower, sensing that his friend was in danger, quickly turned and ran back to help.

He ran back to where he had been coming from and saw one of the exit doors ajar. He crept to it cautiously and what he saw horrified. He saw his friend, laying motionless, pinned at the neck by a mousetrap.


Oliver reached the door to his house, but just ad he reached for the handle something hot and wet landed on his hand. He lifted his palm up to his face, wiping the tears from his eyes. Oliver dropped to his knees and began to sob.

He got up and wiped his face with his sleeve, then walked inside his home and to bed.

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