Chapter 7

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Isaac couldn't sleep. It had been a week since Oliver had left the note and he had yet to see the tiny boy. Isaac had so many questions he wanted to ask him. He had noticed more things going missing throughout the week, so knew that Oliver was fine. But Isaac was beginning to worry that the small boy was avoiding him.

He was laying in bed with his eyes closed thinking about when he would next see Oliver. Isaac's mind drifted, and he began to dose off. He was just slipping into unconsciousness when he herd a crash from somewhere outside his room.

Isaac bolted upright. Sitting in his bed he rubbed the tired from his eyes and stood up. As he made his way to the kitchen, Isaac kept an eye out for the small boy, unsure about weather or not the crash was associated with the tiny's late night trips. As soon as he reached the kitchen, Isaac spotted what had crashed. A coffee mug that he had gotten for his birthday a few years back that now lay, shattered, on the kitchen tile.

Before Isaac could think to be sad, he herd what had caused it to fall. A rat, about 7 inches in diameter was scampering across the counter, and it looked to be chasing something. Upon closer looking, Isaac realized that it was Oliver, wielding a Bobby-pin like a sword. Oliver thrashed at the large rodent in an attempt to scare it off but it was to no avail. Isaac immediately rushed over to assist his tiny friend, scooping him up away from the danger and in the process scaring away the rat.

Isaac was just watching the rat as it entered into a hole in the wall when he felt a painful jab in his hand. His eyes darted down to see Oliver holding his pin as it stabbed into Isaac's palm. The human yelped in pain and transferred the tiny boy to his other hand before removing the pin from his palm, storing it in his pocket. Then he glowered down at the tiny in his hand. However, when he saw Oliver's fearful expression, and the blood staining some of his cloths, his gaze softened.


Oliver set out on his annual once-a-night borrowing trip. He guessed that it would be easier to just ask Isaac for supplies, but he was still getting used to the whole 'presence being known' thing. He had been seen a week past-an experience he wouldn't burden his worst enemy with-and had been indirectly given a new hook by Isaac. But Oliver still felt uncomfortable trying to talk to the human. Once or twice he had almost talked to Isaac, but had chickened out at the last minute.

So here he was, going out to borrow, like nothing had ever happened. Today was going to be a good night, Oliver could feel it in his extremities. He set out for the kitchen, like any other night. he had a list of the things he needed to get-water, bread, cheese, and his new grappling hook. Halfway to the kitchen though, he ran into one trouble, literally. Oliver was trying to see how fast he could run to the kitchen through his newly installed tunnels, when he slammed face first into a big, hairy creature.

Oliver immediately backed up, seeing to his horror, a rat. Big and hairy, and reeking of sewer water, about 3 times his size, and it was not happy. Oliver bolted down the narrow corridor and exited through the cracked tile, not bothering to close it. He ran, dodging jars, and coffee cups to get away from it.

Suddenly he herd an ear shattering crash come from below the counter. The rat had knocked over a coffee mug wile in pursuit of him. Oliver gaped, praying internally that it wasn't herd, the last thing he needed tonight was another encounter with the human. The ground rumbled and Oliver was brought back to his senses. The rat was now just a few feet away. Oliver drew his pin, the feeling of cold steel so foreign to his touch.

Oliver jabbed at the monstrous beast, to no avail. The rat kept its pursuit. It slashed at Oliver with ne of its paws, landing a hit just above his waist. Oliver cringed at the sudden pain, but kept jabbing, like in some sort of sick fencing match. The rat continued to slash its ugly claws at Oliver. He didn't know how much more he could take.

Just as he was about to give up hope, Oliver was sweat up off his feet. No literally. One second he was on the counter fleeing a rat, the next he was...where was he? Oliver looked around at his strange new environment examining every detail closely, which was pretty hard in the dim light of wherever he was.

He saw some sort of fabric wall going up till it towered over him, and Oliver seemed to be standing on a leathery, but soft service...oh no. No no no no no. Oh this was really bad. He knew where he was. Oliver was standing on the tilted surface of Isaac's palm. Pressed protectively against the humans chest. Oliver panicked, he began to have one of his attacks, his vision was getting blurry and he began to feel dizzy. No. He couldn't pass out now, not in the middle of this dire situation.

Oliver shook his head, and raised his pin. He stabbed the palm hard, and a big drop of blood began to form. More red then anything he had ever seen, and bulging with surface tension. Then, Isaac began move his hand. Oliver tumbled forward onto the human's other palm. Slightly disoriented, but even more fearful, Oliver looked up just as the human was storing the pin away in his pocket.

Oliver looked up to meet Isaac's gaze, and paled when he saw the humans displeased expression. Oliver's legs began to tremble, and then gave way. He was in trouble now.

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