Chapter 6

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"Wait was that you as a kid" Sylas was standing in my living room after having a tour that grace gave her of the house we usually just went to my room. Hanged out there instead of walking around in all the different rooms. We were standing in Grace's office snacking on some bits of chocolate. 

"Unfortunately" I sighed. "What do you mean unfortunately you were hella cute omg oh if I knew you in fourth grade when this was taken Kochanie I would have had a massive crush on you. The same one I have to know". Sylas smiled giving me and hug and shoving a piece of chocolate in her mouth. 

"So when did you decide to adopt Grey" Sylas turned to Grace and urged her to answer her question. 

"Well, I first saw Grey's adoption profile they had updated her picture from when she was 4 that's why I have it o my desk now. Along with some of her other thing from previous homes". 

I"I can't imagine the struggle where you constantly move from house to house". Sylas turned to me giving her full attention to which I just nodded causing Grace to have concerns as she sat typing away on her laptop. Sylas was proper up sitting on the corner of the desk facing me while I sat in a chair with other legs resting on the side of my knees. 

"Mama may we um move on from this conversation," I said my neck stiffening as a lump was forming in my throat. 

"Of course whatever you want peach" she gave me a soft smile. Abruptly I excused myself from the room my throat was flaring at this point and my tear ducts were filled to the brim with translucent thin water substance tears. 

Excusing myself and making my way to the bathroom I stumbled falling forward with a loud thud before vomiting. 


Open the fucking door Leena Open the door!! The little girl was crouched in the corner of the bathroom her face buried within her knees her hands holding onto her knees. She violently sobbed heated tears fell down her face as her eyelids closed shut. 

The door opened with each thud he set on it causing the hatches of the door to bust open it breaking off the hinges.  Two brought hands grabbed onto her with a sudden movement and forced her to take way next to him he grabbed onto her waist as she frantically made a way to get away from him scratching and struggling to get out of his grasp. 

One hand holding onto her mouth and the other holding her waist close to him. "If you want to be a little bitch be one I'll make you regret it". 

He pinned her to the floor shoving her violently onto the bathroom tiles bruising the side of her head as it hit due to impact. His belt buckle became loose and the anger in his voice and temperament became worse. The girl prayed for it to be over for it to leave and for her to be okay. 

As soon as she was done getting beaten for the day she could hide away in her room. Her heart was pounding as he towered over her his shadow stopping all light from over her. To be able to see her life flashing before her very eyes as she looked up at the man. 

His belt in his clutches and his hand wagering above her with each hit she let out an agonizing cry. Her voice broke beneath her. "You let out another cry and I'll make sure it hurts 10x harder". 

The girl bit down on her cheek suppressing her cries and trying her best to make it stop hurting to not feel the pain anymore. 

Her ribs were aching from impact her wounds bleeding bruised and wip marks slowly forming on her body. 

The man crouched down next to her his voice breaking and his hands shaking "Im sorry Leena. You know I did this out of love right I love you". 

The girl quivered flinching at his touch she could smell the alcohol on his breath. Accordingly, she lifted up her hand to put it on the side of her Papa's chin resting it on his stubble. "It's okay papa," She said shaking.

Grace came into the bathroom immediately rushing after me she looked at me thew the doorway seeing as I was curled up in the corner letting my body sink into it. 

Sylas was standing next to her my vision was blurry and I felt overstimulated by the reach of alcohol filled the bathroom his voice overshadowing my thoughts. "I love you I'm doing it for your own good You know I love you right" repeated over and over again. 

"Kochanie are you alright," Sylas said kneeling down next to me. Her face morphing into one all too familiar I saw him in front of me my body morphing back to when I was 8 and my heart beating rapidly. 

"I would get away from her Sylas she is having an episode she may take it out on you thinking you are her abuser". Grace reassured Sylas and made her stand to the side. 

"Get away from me get away" my breathing had become heavy and my throat was throbbing again sobs leaving my mouth as I buried my face back into my knees. Grace rushed over to me and told Sylas to wait in the living room for a bit.

For what felt like 30 minutes I was trapped within my head. Finally coming to my senses but still somehow ending up shacking violently in Grace's arms Sylas watched my whole breakdown. My face was buried in Grace's shoulder as I held onto her hugging her. 

"Are you alright?" Sylas asked. 

I looked at her and nodded my eyed were tired fluttering shut from exhaustion. 

I nodded while Sylas crouched down in front of me to eye level. "I'm canceling my plans tonight Im staying with you". 

Sylas said it so softly to me. Her face porcelain face examines my facial features. "No you really don't have to do that" I managed to get out I was instantly calmer whenever I heard Sylas her voice made me feel good. 

"Kochanie I'm staying with you tonight if that is okay with you" she turned to Grace to which she nodded. 

"Common let's get you to bed" Grace and Sylas held me up helping me to my feet and getting me into bed. 

I could hear them mumbling something outside the door of my bedroom. The sound not being much clear but  Sylas walked in soon later taking her boots off and walking towards the right side of the bed and climbing under the covers hugging me gently and pulling me close to my waist.

"Are you okay Grey?" she asked. 

"Mhm," I held onto her hand bringing it up to my face and kissing it softly before turning to face her.  Sylas planted a kiss on my forehead and then grabbed her phone off the bedside table. "I'm just going to rin my mama and tell her where I am". 

"Try and sleep okay I'll be here when you wake up" I lay on Sylas chest and listen to her heart beat it soothed me. "

"Mamo, jestem u przyjaciółki, nie martw się, przepraszam, że nie zadzwoniłam wcześniej, po prostu mnie potrzebowała"."Znowu zostajesz ze swoją dziewczyną, nie okłamuj mnie, praktycznie cały czas o niej mówisz" Her voice came from the other side of the phone. "Okay Mamo Ill speek to you soon". Sylas ended the call and planted another kiss on my head before getting confterble and truning the light of. "If you would like to talk about it in the morning Im all ears if not come to me when you are ready okay love". She gave my hand a resuring squeze and just like that I made her chest my pillow and fell soundly alseep.

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