Chapter 8

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Sylas Pov: 

It had been a week after Grayson freak out seeing her in the bathroom like that all helpless god It tore my heart out it made me feel like I was unable to help her see her in that condition I just froze all I could do was ask her if she was okay. 

The brunette was curled up in bed with me her head laying under my chin as she lay on the pillow effectively.  I watched as she continued to curve her body into me like a loose magnet in an attempt to get comfterble. 

She lay there in one of my old school shirts. Lucas had practically blown my phone up all morning the day after asking me why the party was cancelled at mine and I just had to make an excuse and pretend everything was fine it wasn't my place to comment on what was affecting my lover and why. 

I don't even know why I'm so drawn to Gray the way I am It's not like we are dating yet still I have this burst of energy when I'm with her I actually feel alive in many different ways. She was like my rock-holding pieces of me fragmented together. 

Yes, I had other rocks people I suppose you could say some backing up room for the family some being friends and her just the centre of my world as my lover I was consumed by her she was my colossal happening my own special brand of cosmic energy the centre of my universe. I chuckled to myself as I continued to recall what had happened this past week.

I mean there was quite the mischief going on when I finally had the courage to bring Grey home. Mamo was practically all over her. She wouldn't leave her side for one minute she kept telling me "kochaine this one this one is a keeper just look at the way she adores you the way she looks at you like you are the one who gives her breath to wake up in the morning". 

The interaction was something, to say the least. Grayson had never taken their clothes off fully while we have been intimate in all the ways we have I guess she prefers being the one whose attention is on me instead of receiving. It's not that I have a problem with it but it feels a bit odd adjusting to someone who wouldn't want me to tear their clothes off the same way they did to me. 

Laying my head back on the pillow I caught a pair of eyes staring at me. The figure smiled and gave me a hug drawing me closer to them "You do know this is the first time I've ever seen you're room". 

"Oh, and there awake finally I missed you" I chirped at her while pecking her lips with mine. "Common get up lazy bum you got here around lunchtime we ate and both managed to go into a food coma" Previously we were watching Netflix in my room and just gossiping about all the drama that was going on in school. I seemed to lose all sense of time when I was with Gray. 

It was like it didn't exist it didn't matter. 

"I wanted to show you something" Swooping Grayson into my arms and lifting her off the cacoon nest she had made cemented into my blanket I dragged her with me to the other room. It was small but connected to my bedroom it had a small setup along with all of my art supplies. 

"So Kochaine considering It's you're birthday in 12 hrs' time I was thinking I don't know maybe that I could give you your present early". 

Grayson looked at me there eyebrows raised. "Present ?" she looked around the room staring at everything her eyes darting as they set their gaze on everything. "And what can that possibly be I've gotten the greatest gift of all already".

"Kochine I need to talk to you about something" I muttered slightly hesitant at the topic. "What is it," they said cupping my face with their warm plam "You can tell me anything" I looked at them and their eyes were telling me reassuring me that it was genuine. 

"I don't feel romantic attraction I only feel sexual attraction to people". Grayson looked at me like I was a mad woman and then began to chuckle "Wow that was what you were so worried to tell me about you've gone so pale love"They continued to chuckle laughing at me after having said mocked me in a bitter tone. 

"It's okay I don't exactly care that you are asexual if all is good news for me". 

"Good news ?" I asked staring at someone who has literally been inside me with a puzzled glare. "Im lithromantic love I don't like it when people return romantic feelings for me it makes me feel icky. Very icky indeed I lose all attraction to them if they feel the same way I don't know why Im just made like this I guess".

"I and you make quite the odd pair don't we". 

"Yeah, I guess we do Sylas". 

I propped Grayson down on a chair and walked into the other room retrieving a sketchbook from my closet and giving it to the tall figure sitting in my armchair staring back at me her eyes followed as I wandered around the room. 

"Holly shit Sylas" they opened it up "Did you draw me" Their eyes lit up and that glint of life sparked within their dark brown orbs the once corpse-looking resting face was gone and the falseness of a mood has slipped. 

The mask had fallen. Grayson looked at me their eyes genuine "I love It thank you so much may I keep it". "Of course, it's yours if I wanted it all to myself I would have never shown you". 

"How did you get it so realistic". "Well, Gray I've been drawing you from before we met when I first saw you on induction day I just knew I had to be involved with you somehow". "I just had to get to know you". 

By now the waterworks had begun and Gray was known in tears in my arms "This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me". 

A smile lit up on my face. 

Bringing them joy made my chest warm it burned and I  adored the feeling. It was about the closest thing I could feel to romantic attraction. 

Grayson is oml Gorgoues

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Grayson is oml Gorgoues.

Sylas Grove (Im aware her eyes are supposed to be brown in the book)

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Sylas Grove (Im aware her eyes are supposed to be brown in the book). 

None of the pictures belongs to me. If they are your pictures and you would like me to remove them please contact me. 

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