Moving In

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"And I think that's the last box!" Stated Carrie, Anna's mom.

My mom and I had just moved to a whole new state because of my moms work. We used to live in Arizona but we moved to Michigan. It's mid-July so next month I am going to be a senior at the high school here. I forgot the name. I wasn't too happy about moving here, especially because I had to leave all my friends back in Arizona. But it is what it is.

I took all my boxes up to my room and started to unpack and set up my room. It was huge. Like twice the size as my old room. We moved into one of the rich people neighborhoods. Which is really nice so far. Our house is really big, even though it's just for two people.

I walk downstairs to find my mom unpacking other items from the millions of boxes.

"You need any help mom?" I asked.

"No I think I got it honey. Why don't you go walk around the neighborhood and make some new friends?" She said smiling.

I nodded and walked out the front door to go find people.

While I was walking down the street someone came up to me. It was a guy. He was very nice looking. He was tall, kinda dark but not too dark, had light brown hair and beautiful green eyes.

I stared at him for a while before he interrupted me.

"Hi! I'm Brandon. I saw you walking around the neighborhood. Did you just move here?"

"Uh, yes! My names Anna and my mom and I just moved here today, from Arizona!"

"Oh cool! Well I'll see you around?" Asked Brandon.

"Yeah!" I replied.

And off Brandon went. I decided to go home. I was getting kinda hungry.

"Mom I'm home!!"

I walked into the house with the smell of pasta. One of my favorite dishes. I grabbed a plate from one of the boxes and filled it up with food, mom did the same. We ate dinner and talked a little bit. I told her about Brandon. After dinner I headed up to my room and got ready for bed. Not long after that I was fast asleep.


My first chapter and book! I hope you guys like it! I know it's pretty boring right now. But don't worry it will get good I promise!:)

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2015 ⏰

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