A Dream Remembered

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As they strolled through their small courtyard, Aerlyn asked, "Have you not considered changing the art, Father?" As a child, she had memorized every line and vibrant color of the murals and sculptures arranged by a designer centuries ago.

"I have not." Galedyn pointed to a spot on a synthesized canvas, which contained a soft blurring of color amid sharp geometric patterns. "Some of these pieces are priceless." He patted Aerlyn's slender hand.

Aerlyn looked at her father's face. "I had forgotten my juvenile attempt to...interact with the art. Your reaction then was very different. I was punished for more than a fortnight, I believe."

"Aye. You were ambitious from an early age. Without proper disincentives, you may have redesigned the entire manor. You had the magical aptitude to do it."

A short time later, Galedyn opened the impressive metal door to their breakfast chamber with a chant. Then he pulled a faux wooden chair for Aerlyn to sit upon. He also poured their nutritive drinks by hand. Aerlyn smiled. Any fashion-forward Capitol resident would have cringed.

Sitting, Galedyn raised his glass. In reply, Aerlyn raised her own glass, and they took their first sip together. It was a pleasant, odorless concoction that did little more than fulfill dietary needs. Aerlyn suppressed the memory of bread and fruit gracing the tables of the Academy, compliments of elite patrons.

"I am surprised, Father, at the number of things that remain the same in the manor." Aerlyn wondered if she could adapt to the pace of country life again. Would the quiet hold? Her eyes became unfocused. Gradually, Aerlyn became aware of Galedyn's gaze.

"If you would like to redesign the entire manor, my precious daughter, I give you leave to do so."

Aerlyn set down her glass. "I have not settled on a project yet." She looked around the chamber, noting the enormous, irregular chandelier wrought with dark, unpolished metal. A century or two ago, it had been fashionable to embrace asymmetrical designs to imitate nature. "The offer is tempting. If you wish, I can alter the chandelier this instant."

"Please do." Galedyn nodded. "The thing is overbearing."

Chanting rhythmically, Aerlyn raised a finger, directing her magical energy into the metal, polishing and refining the piece, drawing it across the ceiling until orbs of light nested within a score of delicate floating cages spanning the entire chamber.

Aerlyn watched her father peer at her construction, his head tilted back. He rose from his seat, his green eyes following the fine lines of reflective metal swirling around an orb. As Galedyn admired her work, Aerlyn relaxed into her chair, turning her face into the diffuse silvery light.

After a few moments, Galedyn regained his seat. "It is magnificent, Aerlyn."

"It was my pleasure." She took a sip before adding, "It has been far too long since I transmuted an object for the joy of it."

"As your grandfather says, 'what is long life without joy?'" Galedyn studied his goblet. "If you would permit your father to express his opinion..." he paused, meeting Aerlyn's eyes, "please take time to find your joy again, Daughter."

Aerlyn nodded, wondering if he had told her mother the same before she severed ties with them, disappearing into the lavish life she had always wanted. "I shall try, Father."

Several days later, Aerlyn watched Galedyn and his entourage activate their transporters to Kalehala, disappearing in a swirl of magic. An instant later, he contacted Aerlyn using their custom transmitter. His voice was strained, as he hadn't allowed sufficient time for the travel disorientation to recede. Aerlyn refrained from scolding him. As Galedyn assured her he would speak with her daily, she heard the excited voices of his companions in the background.

"Be safe, Father," she told him before disconnecting. Why had she not considered joining Galedyn's expedition? Her eyes followed the graceful lines of her ring as she twirled it around her finger. Traveling by foot? Very little privacy?

Aerlyn shook her head. If she wished to travel, there were many lovely places to tour in the Empire. One by one, she considered and rejected the destinations, idling away her day.

That night, Aerlyn bolted upright in bed, waking from a dream. This time, she remembered every detail. 

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