New Sensations

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Aerlyn's fingers reached for her platinum ring, encountering only flesh. Using magic, she could survive the cold, but she could not generate items with nutritive value. Aerlyn looked blankly at her naked fingers. Where would she find sources of nourishment? 

Aerlyn tucked her hands into her arms. "I need to focus on solutions," she said aloud.

Transporting herself to the Empire wasn't an option, as she couldn't create the vector without knowing distance and direction. Retrieving useful magical devices from home was similarly impossible as long as her current location was unknown. And without a reservoir, it was unlikely a transmitter would span the vast distance to her home. 

Was there some other way to relay a message to Lynne? Or perhaps to her father, who might be more proximately located to her now?

Aerlyn shook her head. No, it wasn't likely this snowy mountain was near the desert landscape Galedyn was traversing. Aerlyn pondered for some time, but she couldn't conceive how to reliably signal her family for help. She had to conclude that a rescue was highly improbable. Aerlyn would have to find her own way back home. Perhaps she could do so by dreaming.

Venturing outside again, Aerlyn adjusted the heat shield to skim the top of her feet. As she imbibed melted snow, Aerlyn cast her eyes over the landscape she hoped to leave. The now midnight sky dwarfed the majestic peaks, and within that great dark expanse lived millions of stars, stunning in their variety of brightness and size. Was this the same cosmos above the Asthildi Empire?

Aerlyn filled her lungs with the clean air. The open space was more inspiring than an empty white desktop. On a whim, Aerlyn let go of her protective shield, embracing her environment. Her breath misted in the air, billowing in unpredictable swirls more beautiful than any Asthildi art. Shivering, Aerlyn hugged herself for warmth, feeling curious bumps on her arms. 

When every part of her body trembled in the deep chill, she darted back into the cavern, resurrecting a heated sphere around herself.

It was a long time before Aerlyn stopped quivering. She would gladly sleep now, but she doubted she could do so without bedding. Sighing, Aerlyn began searching for pebbles to transmute. It seemed a long time before she could wrap herself up in the soft coverlet she had created. It did little to lessen the hard surface of the rocky floor. 

Turning on her side, Aerlyn used an arm as a pillow. She imagined her bed at the family estate, earnestly wishing she could enjoy its plush mattress. Eventually, she fell asleep, hoping a dream would take her there.

When Aerlyn awoke, her shoulder ached and the arm that had pillowed her head felt strange. She sat up and that arm disobediently flopped at her side. It didn't feel connected to her body! Using her good hand, Aerlyn squeezed her limp forearm, sending a wave of tiny prickles to her hand. But the dead arm did not register her touch. 

Suppressing panic, Aerlyn massaged and wiggled it. Gradually, sensation returned, and when all the prickling subsided, Aerlyn's arm regained full function. Relieved, Aerlyn huddled in her blanket for several minutes, ignoring the dark, cold stone surrounding her. What was she to do now? As far as she knew, she had not dreamt at all.

Aerlyn's thoughts were interrupted by a needling in her belly. Aerlyn gripped her abdomen, grimacing. Was this hunger? Everyone knew that missing two or more meals caused unpleasant physical ailments. Water! She hoped it would ease her symptoms. Transmuting her blanket into knee-high boots and a sturdy tunic, Aerlyn continued chanting, removing her heat shield and creating an orb of light.

In the subtle light, she aimed for the cave entrance, frigid air lashing her cheeks with every step. After a few minutes, Aerlyn resurrected the heat shield, lowering the temperature to conserve energy. Her body's supply of magical energy had replenished with sleep, but Aerlyn had to use magic judiciously.

As she hiked through the uneven, jagged cavern, Aerlyn began some mental calculations. It was difficult to know how much energy she had spent in traveling to the People's lands. However, Aerlyn endured rigorous testing in the Academy and knew her native magical capacity. 

She could perform a few moderate-level magical tasks each day. If she exceeded those parameters, she would need an extensive period of rejuvenation.

Light flooded into the cavern through the crevice Aerlyn had discovered yesterday. Aerlyn blinked against the sudden brilliance, leaving the cave with a hand shielding her eyes. In an instant, her hand fell to her side.

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