The Offered Cup

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Aerlyn considered the situation. Was there a low-level spell that could help? Yes! She threw her entire being into uttering the one-word chant children find infinitely amusing, and the sled rushed forward, as Aerlyn's savior carried an abruptly lighter load. The girl kept her feet moving, but she looked back in surprise. Aerlyn tried to smile reassuringly, but pain flooded her head. Closing her eyes, Aerlyn suppressed a moan as unconsciousness claimed her again.

When Aerlyn awoke, her feet dangled in the air. For the first time since she lost the heat shield, Aerlyn was enveloped in warmth. Why was it dark? As her senses awakened, Aerlyn realized a heavy, soft drapery covered her. It smelled odd. Then, a masculine voice sounded close to her ear, and she understood: a human male was carrying her. Where was the young one who rescued her?'

"Savior?" Aerlyn called, and the girl swiftly responded, sounding nearby. Aerlyn relaxed into the male's chest. In a quiet interrupted only by the crunch of footsteps in the snow, she listened to the human's heartbeat, steady and calm. Then, the girl's footsteps quickened, moving from snow to a different substrate upon which her steps thudded.

Aerlyn heard additional movement, and then she was deposited onto a cushioned surface. Freed from the heavy drapery, Aerlyn quivered in the sudden chill, and the dark-haired man swept his full-length fur cloak, which many a Senator would envy, over Aerlyn. The rapid shivering did not stop.

Aerlyn was too weak to study her surroundings, but she sensed she was inside a small, well-lit edifice. Savior appeared by her side, speaking and pointing towards Aerlyn's feet. Puzzled, Aerlyn didn't know how to respond. She concentrated on breathing, for her lungs seemed as spastic as her limbs.

The girl uncovered Aerlyn's boots, pulling them off and tucking the fur around Aerlyn's bare feet. Savior skillfully wielded a narrow implement to cut the icy fabric of Aerlyn's tunic and breeches, removing them. She covered Aerlyn with the fur as soon as her flesh was exposed. Savior had seemed to be a child when Aerlyn first saw her, but the girl's confidence now made her seem older.

"Thank you, Savior," Aerlyn managed. Although she still shivered uncontrollably, it was a blessing to be freed from her frozen clothing.

The girl smiled in response, but her dark eyes seemed worried. Smoothing Aerlyn's hair away from her face, Savior spoke a few words before leaving the bedside. A few minutes later, Savior returned, placing a deliciously warm oval object at Aerlyn's neck and another on her chest. Aerlyn closed her eyes, wondering if the meager heat sources would banish the deep cold pervading her body. As Aerlyn drifted into unconsciousness, Savior hummed a slow, rhythmic melody.

The brilliant rays of the sun warmed Aerlyn's face. She grimaced against the light, as her head throbbed in pain.

A deep voice spoke in the human language. Aerlyn opened her eyes in alarm, struggling to remember her circumstances.

A tall young man with shockingly dark hair stood at the foot of the bed. In the next moment, he was covering a window with fabric, blocking the sunlight. Aerlyn studied the human as he moved to a table alongside the bed. Broad-shouldered and moderately muscled, he could easily overpower Aerlyn in her current state. She was as weak as an infant, even though her flesh was no longer frozen.

It was possible Aerlyn could use only low-level spells. With her headache, she did not wish to use magic at all. Aerlyn considered whether telepathic manipulation would work to soothe any aggression. But then, she wasn't certain she could form a telepathic connection with non-magical beings.

The man poured hot water from a kettle into a short cup. Sinking to his knees, he offered it to Aerlyn, who peered into his dark eyes.

Aerlyn remained motionless. "Savior?" she asked.

The young man's gaze was direct and unguarded. He tilted his head, trying to understand Aerlyn. His abundant, black hair undulated in some sections like the pattern of a transmitter's energy wave. Was he the one who carried her into this domicile? Was it his cloak insulating her bare flesh at this moment? The calmness in his eyes was reminiscent of the strong, steady heartbeat belonging to the man whom Savior enlisted for help.

Aerlyn moved her mouth towards the cup, uncertain how she could drink. In an instant, the young man supported her head, lifting it and helping her sip the warm beverage. After a cautious first sip, Aerlyn drank it eagerly. It was more delicious than water! The flavor reminded Aerlyn of the scent on Savior's blue mantle, and the warmth of the drink suffused her body. Even her headache improved.

When the cup was empty, the young man gently returned Aerlyn's head to the pillow. As he covered Aerlyn's neck with the fur cloak, she studied him again, wondering if he were a human Lakri. Was Savior his student? But why did the girl take the lead last night? The human now seemed uncomfortable with Aerlyn's gaze.

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