Final Mystery

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Aerlyn pointed to a section of the snowy mountain lit by sun rays shooting through a break in the gray cumulous clouds dominating the sky. She whispered, "How beautiful!"

"Our mother says this is a sign of good fortune!" Thalia responded. She spent a good amount of time trying to explain her statement to Aerlyn, who also seemed mystified by any description of the Gods United. But then, Thalia was equally perplexed by Aerlyn's descriptions of hierarchy and status in her homeland.

When the path began steeply inclining, Aerlyn chanted again, creating steps. As Aerlyn climbed them at a sedate pace, Thalia patted the stairs with her gloved hand. She barely discerned the outlines of the stairway, fashioned from the same icy-appearing substance as the magical path. 

Looking back, Aerlyn intoned a few words, and the stairwell became rosy-hued. Now that Thalia saw the stout lines of the steps, she quickly caught up to Aerlyn, whose footfalls were growing slower.

"How do you feel?" Thalia asked Aerlyn. She had believed her sister to be fully recovered. But should she have insisted they wait longer to attempt this climb? The weather had already delayed their departure for weeks.

"I am fine," Aerlyn said, her words breathy.

Thalia studied Aerlyn, who continued upward, each step measured. Her slim limbs didn't seem to contain much muscle. "Asthildi do not hike mountains, do they?" Thalia asked.

Aerlyn had breath to laugh, pausing on a step. She said something in elvish about walking. "No, they don't!" was Aerlyn's smiling reply in Thalia's language.

Thalia looked back across the snowy mounds. Cristoval's red wool hat made it easy for her to spot him. Her brother was making gains on them, and Thalia would be glad when he joined them. Looking ahead, Thalia searched for the wide ledge she remembered. Sheltered from snow by an overhang, it was always a comfortable resting spot.

"There!" Thalia pointed to Aerlyn. "We should stop there."

Nodding, Aerlyn began a sustained chant, creating a free standing rosy stairway directly to the ledge. Rising above the mountain, the stairs angled away, traversing the open air.

When Thalia recovered her breath, she said, "That will save time."

They continued their unhurried climb, transitioning to the open stairway. Once Thalia was several feet above the ground, her own feet slowed, her legs quivering. Seeing the snow banks far below, she envisioned herself tumbling down the steep mountain.

"Aerlyn, I'm not sure I can go higher," Thalia called to her magical sister, who had forged ahead.

Chanting once more, Aerlyn created a handrail and solid risers to block sight of the mountainside below. The stairs could have been made from wood! Thalia began climbing again, keeping a solid hold on the handrail.

When she reached the ledge, Thalia grasped Aerlyn's proffered hand.

"I've never hiked a mountain like that before!" Thalia exclaimed.

Aerlyn looked for Cristoval, as she said to Thalia, "Up is hard." Then, she pointed to her legs in the fitted trousers she liked to wear. "Tired."

Thalia helped Aerlyn find a comfortable place to sit. As they waited for Cristoval to join them, Aerlyn keep turning her flower hair ornament in her hands.

When Thalia began to shiver, Aerlyn uttered a single elvish chant, surrounding Thalia with warm air.

"Thank you, Aerlyn!" Thalia basked in the warmth. Truly, magic was spectacular!

Thalia watched Cristoval angle towards the magical stairway bisecting the sky. At the base of the stairs, he removed his snow shoes, slinging them over his back. Then, he began the ascent.

When her brother reached the ledge, Thalia promptly inquired, "How was the shortcut?"

"Not bad," Cristoval admitted. Looking at Aerlyn, he said, "I'm sorry for causing a delay." He was always formal around Aerlyn.

"Aerlyn is getting fatigued, Cristoval," Thalia explained. "She isn't used to hiking."

Surveying the surrounding mountains, Cristoval opined, "This is a decent position." He met Aerlyn's eyes. "Would you like to try your transmitter here?"

Nodding, Aerlyn rose, stepping to the edge of the ledge. Looking out at the empty sky, Aerlyn closed her hand around the flower ornament. Then, she began chanting, a flurry of words rising and falling in volume, almost like a hymn.

Thalia prayed quietly. "Gods United, great is your mercy. Please grant Aerlyn and her father this kindness." Grabbing Cristoval's hand, Thalia continued her prayer, watching her sister.

Aerlyn turned to look at Thalia, holding out her hand. Thalia stepped forward to grasp it, not releasing her hold on Cristoval. 

Aerlyn resumed her rhythmic chanting, closing her eyes.  After a few minutes of sustained chanting and praying, a male voice sounded in the air.

"Aerlyn?" The resonant voice spoke in an elvish accent.

Responding in a fast-paced elvish, Aerlyn spoke with her father, tears leaking from her eyes.

Thalia squeezed Cristoval's hand, smiling at her brother. Judging by the way he did not meet her eyes, he was trying to shield his thoughts from her, as if she was a child he needed to protect. She stifled her irritation to focus on Aerlyn's animated face, listening to the steady flow of elvish conversation.

Then, Aerlyn was shaking her head, saying something about home in elvish. Thalia held her breath.

"I am home," Aerlyn said, smiling at Thalia and Cristoval.

Thalia beamed at Aerlyn, squeezing her hand. When Cristoval wrapped an arm around her shoulders, Thalia looked up at him. Her brother's eyes matched his smile as he gazed at Aerlyn.

Blinking back her own tears, Thalia silently thanked the Gods United. 'Great are your blessings. Deep is your mystery. Thank you for giving us Aerlyn.'

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