Unexplained Phenomenon

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Thalia spoke gently to Aerlyn, drawing a hand through the water to show it was safe. Aerlyn eased her hold on Cristoval's neck, looking up at him. She hoped he could read the apology in her eyes. His dark eyes remained calm just as his arms remained steady. 

Aerlyn turned back to Thalia, who beckoned. Aerlyn offered no further protest as Cristoval brought her to the edge of the deep vessel, depositing her on her feet. He ensured both of Aerlyn's hands gripped the side of the basin, which seemed to be raw ceramic.

As Aerlyn watched the clear water flow, Thalia removed the fur cloak. When the girl began removing the nightshirt, Aerlyn realized Cristoval had left, closing the door behind him. Aerlyn dipped the tip of a finger into the pool, which was pleasantly warm. Why was it so different from the water beneath the snow that almost ended her life?

Thalia rotated a knob and water stopped flowing into the vessel. Then, she helped Aerlyn step onto the platform and climb into the low basin. The water almost reached her knees. Whatever was this supposed to accomplish? Crossing her arms over her chest, Aerlyn looked at Thalia for further instructions.

Giggling, Thalia lowered her hands. "Siéntate."

Aerlyn knew that command. Sinking down, she gripped both sides of the basin, as she inelegantly sat, feeling the warmth of the water soak into her body. The liquidity added a gentle, calming element. Aerlyn submersed her arms, wrapping them around her legs.

Thalia sprinkled purple granules into the basin, releasing an ethereal scent. Wondering what they were, Aerlyn chased the purple bits, but they drifted away from her hand.

Thalia gestured repeatedly, directing Aerlyn to lean against the tub. Trusting her friend, Aerlyn did so, again holding both sides of the basin. The water almost caressed her skin! She extended her legs, seeking fuller immersion.

As Aerlyn relaxed, her limbs seemed to float of their own accord. How was water so mutable? In this basin, she was buoyant. In the frigid water into which Aerlyn had plunged, her arms and legs had faced significant resistance. She wondered how to articulate the question. Then, Thalia streamed warm water over Aerlyn's hair, careful to avoid her face.

Closing her eyes, Aerlyn felt tension ease with each gentle stream. Her hair become heavy, and she held up a slick, darkened strand. Did water change all things it touched? These mystical properties had to have an explanation. Aerlyn wondered if the Academy scientists had the answers.

As Thalia began lathering Aerlyn's hair, Aerlyn abandoned her scientific musings. The cleansing agent smelled so delicious, it seemed edible. Smiling, Aerlyn listened to Thalia's cheerful commentary, echoing in elvish.

When Thalia uncovered a hole at the bottom of the basin, allowing water to empty, Aerlyn briefly considered protesting.

Aerlyn's skin prickled in the air until Thalia wrapped her in a long cloth. When Aerlyn was in a fresh woven gown and the fur cloak, Thalia opened the door, admitting Cristoval.

With their help, Aerlyn walked to the colorful flames in the large chamber. Cushioned chairs were positioned to allow their occupants to enjoy the thermal energy. Smiling, Aerlyn sat in one while Thalia used a wide hand-held tool upon Aerlyn's hair. Cristoval used another chair, studying a page in the book: the map of the Asthildi Empire.

The smile on Aerlyn's face eroded. Berating herself, she thought, 'How can I enjoy myself when Father is desperate to learn what happened to me?'

Staring out the window behind Cristoval, Aerlyn discovered it was snowing heavily. Within the warm, safe abode, Aerlyn experienced the beauty of the snowfall. She soaked in every aspect of the soft, feathery flakes. When she shared the memory telepathically with her father, she wanted it to be vivid.

Aerlyn allowed herself to think of Galedyn. Had he exhausted all meager clues as to where she had gone and returned to the country estate? Or was he still searching for her? Now when Aerlyn gazed upon the pristine snow, she saw the frozen wilderness separating her from her father. 

Thalia covered Aerlyn's clenched hands with her own, murmuring with her eyes closed. Aerlyn gasped as the magical energy within her body surged in response to Thalia's words. What had happened? The girl wasn't generating or manipulating magical energy, but she was... calling it? 

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