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Somewhere in Mother Base.

In Miller's office. A soldier enters the room

Soldier: sir!

Miller: what is it, soldier?

Soldier: we've just got a contract...

Miller: from who?

Soldier: the CIA sir...

Miller spins his chair around, now facing the soldier, now feeling serious.

Millers: what?!

The soldier then hands a clipboard to him.

He also sees pictures of men dressed in a uniform similar to Roman soldiers, fantasy creatures like dragons. And the US Army fighting off the threat.

Miller: alright... please tell this is a joke.

Soldier: no sir, we've got live footage of the whole event here, sir

He then hands over a cassette tape to Miller.

And he puts into to the player under the TV. Still he was unsure of what he was seeing

Miller: is this some clip from a movie or something?

Soldier: *sigh* they had feeling you'd react like this... so CIA have arranged a meeting later this afternoon, they'll show you the site where the incident happened.

Miller: what time?

Soldier: exactly 11:30, sir.

Miller then grabs his elbow crutch and stands up.

Miller: I'll be right there...

Soldier: what about the Boss, sir?

Miller: leave him, it'll be too much of a risk to let join the meeting, I'll Ocelot by me instead. Get a chopper ready.

Soldier: yes sir.

He then walks out of his office to meet with the CIA officers.


Time: 4: 45 PM

Big Boss (Venom Snake) was just looking ahead, at the vast ocean. Nothing but the sound of the birds in the distance.

Just then his codec rings.

Venom Snake: what is it?

Miller: uhh... Boss... can you come to my office real quick?

Venom Snake: why? What is it?

Miller: we've just got contract, from the CIA...

Venom Snake: is it about the body snatchers again?

Miller: no sir... we've got something... big...

Venom Snake: I'm listening.

Miller: I think it would be better if you come up here, I've got the pictures and the video.

Venom Snake: *sigh* alright... I'll be right there.

He the throws away the cigar into the ocean and walks away, heading to Miller's office.


Snake entered the office, both Ocelot and Miller waiting for him

Miller: took you long enough

Venom Snake: trust me, it was the stairs.

Miller: ugh nevermind...

Venom Snake: what's this all about?

Ocelot: we've something serious on our hands, Boss...

Miller: a job... from the CIA, telling us to investigate this

He then slid the folder across the desk

The moment Snake opens the folder, he was confused by what he saw.

Venom Snake: what is this?

Ocelot: a so-called "portal to another world", we saw it for ourselves, Boss...

Miller: Don't be so surprised, Boss. Remember the talking cat, and the monsters on the island nobody knew about?

Venom Snake:  I remember them well. What's the job anyway?

Miller: they want us to see what's on the otherside, and document everything.

Venom Snake: but why us, why not send in a team that's more qualified for this?

Miller: well... Boss... remember the "Body Snatchers" incident?

Venom Snake: what about it?

Miller: I...well... I thought we needed some funding for development of new medical technology, and I may have told the CIA that we're be accepting any mission regarding the paranormal and the mysterious...

Venom Snake: *sign* Dammit, Miller!

Miller: Well... They're offering us 1 billion dollars for this job, and we might be able to expand our services, as well as expand Mother Base. What do you say, Boss?

Snake was silent for a moment before speaking up again.

Venom Snake: Give some time to think about this first.

And with that, he leaves the office, taking a smoke while thinking about his options. About a few hours later, he came back.

Venom Snake: Alright, Miller. I guess we'll be doing this then...

Miller: That's great, Boss. I knew we could count on you.

Venom Snake: When the operation scheduled.

Miller: It's about... Next week, It's enough time to prepare for what's on the other side.

Venom Snake: I see... Well... Assemble the men.

Miller: Yes, Boss.

(To Be Continued)

Operation: Fallen DragonWhere stories live. Discover now