PART SIX: The Family (Ch. 31-36)

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Later on,


"I had thought Taewon and Jihun had died in the fire... I was so happy to hear that they are actually here, wrongfully convicted," Shin-ho, also nicknamed Shino, told Miles as they walk side by side through the main building.

Miles nods, "I wonder how they'll react to you being here."

I bet they'll be happy, he thinks, remembering the love SaLu had for each other, so maybe it applies to the rest of their family.

"I'm also glad that they have you as a guardian," Shino adds, giving Miles a proud look that made him blush lightly. Something happens in that smile that makes Miles' heart leap. "You look really hospitable and nice."

"Yeah... but awkwardness is probably the reason SaLu even noticed me," Miles released an awkward laugh in response to the compliment.

Shino became confused. "SaLu?"

"A-ah..." Is it okay for me to tell him everyone's nickname for them? "Taewon and Jihun, I mean... SaLu is like... uhm... the both of them."

Shino wants to laugh at that painfully awkward look Miles is giving him, which looked adorable and amusing. Shino was 26 years old, two years older than Miles. This man looks just as mature with his facial structure, in contrast to Miles who looks younger than he is.

Shino was already making the other female teachers fuss because of his presence in school. They whisper to themselves and some ever look excited at the new, though temporary, male teacher.

As they got to the lobby, he asked, "If you were the first-ever male teacher, why are there only female teachers before?"

"O-oh uhm," Miles tears his eyes away from that dashing smile of his. "CDI requires very strict teachers and women have proven to be the best in that category..."

Shino laughs, "Why not employ military men?"

Stop smiling please; you're making the sun scream. "For education? Th... this isn't boot camp..."

I also asked Ally that similar question and this is her exact response. Speaking of Ally, I have a date tonight.

Friendly date, Miles. Wouldn't want to be tortured again. His eyes wander around, distracted while thinking about Ally. Suddenly, he forgot about the short stairs of the main building's entrance, and he took the wrong step.

Miles fell forward, gravity pulling him to his demise until; Shino pulls his arm back and caught him before he plunged to the ground. Miles ends up facing Shino, tightly held against him in a panic embrace. Shino looks like an art form in every way, and attraction is not a choice with this close up, especially with Miles' sensitive sexuality.

He smells like strawberry cake, Miles awkwardly whimpers, melting under Shino's gentle gaze.

"You need to watch your step," he smiles, revealing those pearly white teeth and dimples that shame any other baby.

Then, Miles realized that they were in public and the teachers are gossiping to themselves. Miles immediately pulls away, straightening his uniform and his curly hair. "I'm sorry, I was uhm... uhh... uhm... thanks..."

"You're adorable," Shino suddenly said which knocked Miles' brain off the wheel for a second, since the man accompanied that with a genuine dimpled smile.

"I-I'm not, I'm cringey..." Miles now carefully descends the staircase, with Shino chuckling and following behind.

Meanwhile, they were the talk among teachers.

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