PART NINE: The Reconciliation (Ch. 47-51)

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Earlier on,


"When I get back here, every pair will demonstrate the sixteen types of blocking according to the book. Please study." Miles exits the classroom in a rush; the other students now nonchalant and messing with each other at his absence.

Zeus went full alert and scowled at Miles' leave, attempting to stand up in concern. Yet, that was only an attempt. Upon standing up, his younger brother Heidi set his hands on Zeus' shoulder, slamming him back on his seat. Everyone went silent at the sound of Lucifer's chair screeching against the floor. They stare, very terrified, at Satan who's holding his brother down while giving him a fierce look. But, it was as if there were no other students in that classroom; only them and an ugly conflict between them.

Conflict shouldn't even exist in their relationship; the great SaLu, whose brotherly connection rivals that of soulmates.

"You forgave him." Heidi signed with his left hand, while also saying it in their home language. "You slept with him."

Zeus didn't roll his eyes, but he looked very dismissive of that statement.

"Man, should we be going? I don' wanna be here when Satan goes apeshit."

"We're legally allowed to leave after 15 minutes, bro."

"Don't 'bro' me; we've been dating for—"

Lucifer stood up to go after Miles but Heidi grabs his shoulder and flips Zeus to face him. He relied on Zeus ring able to reading lips, "You don't even know what happened after he left! He could've cheated on us!"

Zeus signs, He didn't.

"Whoa, Lucifer's deaf?"

"Not really, he just prefers to finger—of course he's deaf! Why are you so slow?"

"Why are you so gay?"

"Ew, I'm not."

"Yeah sure, Jerome."

Meanwhile, Heidi is steaming from where he stood. In English he says out loud, "Why? One night of fucking him is good enough for you to forget everything?!"

Their classmates gasp, as well as slowly backing away from the front row because Heidi's fists are shaking. Zeus looks down, eyebrows narrowed in sadness as he signs, I love him.

"He doesn't love us!" Heidi screamed, "It's just his job; and you're dumb enough to fall for his charms! If he did love us, then he'd know better than to pretend we didn't exist for a year!"

Heidi sounded angry, looks angry, feels angry —yet, his tears also were angrily flowing out. This is something no one ever sees from the great Satan of Carvalle. Everyone was stunned. In Korean Heidi chokes out, "We talked about this, but one night seemed to erase everything that we've been through after he left. He wouldn't visit. Didn't send letters. It was as if he disappeared and died after that morning. He broke our promise; and forgot we existed!"

A broken promise can be forgiven; but continuing like that promise was never made is what drove Heidi to insanity. One year was painful; Miles left in the morning, and their class suddenly had a new teacher. At first, everyone thought Miles Taylor died. SaLu had believed that, too. But, they were hopeful. One month, they waited... for a single sign that Miles was alive. For three months, they keep telling themselves that Miles only relocated; but that was already breaking the promise. For five months, they waited... in depression, in isolation...

For half a year, they truly believed Miles died or they were abandoned. It felt that way. If he had no choice but to leave, then why did he choose to die?

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