3. Our New Class Clown

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5 days earlier...

A dull headache it was, that awakened
me from my sleep.
Suddenly wide awake I get out of bed, realizing I'd slept through three alarms I had set the other night. I check my phone that shows multiple missed calls from Carl and a text that says he couldn't be late again, because of me.

With a sigh I get out of bed and put on the nearest bit of clothe I can find on the floor, then fix myself up a bit before heading downstairs, suddenly wondering why my mom hasn't tried waking me up.

When I enter the living room and take a quick scan around I head to the kitchen to see a little sticky note on the fridge. Bob had me starting earlier this morning, food's in the fridge. X mom.
With a sigh, I put on my sneakers, grab my bike and ride to school.

My head is pounding once I finally enter first period Math, five minutes before the bell.
I get shit from my teacher, no surprise there, and sit down next to Carl.
"You and Hazel disappeared on me last night," he says.
"I'm sorry, Hazel got fucked up, so I walked her home."
"You never told me what happened between you and Isa either. I heard you stood her up?" Carl asks, as he stares blankly in front of him.
"Why where you not there for Hazel? Something could've happened to her if it wasn't for me."
"Answer my question first—"
The bell rings, and so I quickly grab my stuff and head out.

Carl has been my best friend for plenty of years now, but lately I cannot seem seem to share my feelings with anyone, not even him.
And as I come to think of it, I haven't really been able to.
Which is fine. I'm good with dealing things alone, I do not need other people's judgements or opinions.

I ease through the first few periods before lunch brake comes along.
There's plenty of time for me to chat with my friends before I excuse myself for my cigarette break, and as the time comes, I go outside and sit against a tree facing the only actual busy roads of our little shit town.

I close my eyes for a moment, daydreaming of what my life would look like if I wasn't me, instead anyone else, someone who was happy, had mentally stable parents, with a non - broke family— a twig snaps me out of my thoughts as I turn to where the sound came from.

"Hey, got me one of those?" A friendly voice asks, that matches up with a friendly face I do not recognize.
A guy with tinted skin and dark curls stands next to me pointing at my pack or cigarettes.
"There you go," I say, handing him one.
He offers me a smile, which is somehow contagious, as he lights his cig.
"Taking a breather?" He suddenly asks, sitting down next to me, not bothering to ask me if I mind... which I don't, but it would only be polite.

"Nah, just my daily cig to get through the rest of the day," I respond, untruthfully as I come to think of it that I maybe am taking a breather after all.
"I have a feeling you're not telling the truth," he says, with a slight wink.
"How would you know? You don't know me."
"You've got a point there." As he says that he reveals a perfect set of teeth.
"I'm Mateo, but you can call me Teo." He holds out his hand for me to shake. Despite me being a bit weirded out by his boldness, I shake his hand. "Eleanor."
"Nice to meet you Eleanor."
"Same goes for you I guess," I say, unsure of the situation I'm in. I don't do well with meeting strangers, especially hot, bold strangers.
I don't like bold people. Ruins the art of slow burn.

A cold breeze passed through my sweater as the bell suddenly rings.
"That's my que, I'll see you around?" Teo says while he gets up,
"Is that a question or a statement?" I raise an eyebrow.
"That depends on you answer," he smiles, then walks into the cafeteria and disappears into the crowd. Doubt I'll ever see his face again, since our school is fucking ginormous.

I'm already regretting going back to school once my last class comes to an end and
the clock hits five.
In a haze of exhaustion, I step into the passenger's seat of Carl's car, with my bike in the trunk.

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