7. Believe It Or Not

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Trigger warning ⚠️ *violence*

Teo carefully, but quickly pushes me aside to lift himself up from the ground.
"Fuck," he whispers under his breath.
He holds out his hand, and I take it before he helps me up as wel.

Behind the door I hear someone call out Teo's name, it must be his dad.
I watch as Teo paces around his room, shoving the wine bottle and glasses underneath his bed.

My heart almost jumps out of my chest as Teo's dad starts banging on the door.
"Mateo Alvarez, if you don't open this fucking door!—"
"Just wait a minute!" Teo yells back, then comes to stand in front of me.
"I'm really sorry, but you have to hide in my closet, and whatever you do, don't come out okay?"
I quickly nod, before getting into Teo's closet, which is big enough to fit at least two people.

I hear Teo open the door for his dad, my heart pounding in my chest.
He looked so scared.
I watch through the small gaps of the wooden doors from the closet, seeing Teo's dad burst in.
"Why the fuck didn't you answer me?!" His dad yells, moving in front of Teo.
"I was changing, I didn't hear you come in."
"Bullshit! And answer me honestly when I ask you this Mateo, did you take my car today?"

Teo remains quiet, until his dad's fist suddenly meets his stomach. My breath hitches in my throat as I watch Teo grunt in pain, falling to his knees.
"Did you, or did you not take my fucking car?!"
"I did okay!" Teo yells, as he looks his dad, dead in the eyes, who's still holding his fist up.
Teo opens his mouth to speak, but gets beat down before he can, this time in his face.

I press my hands against my mouth to make sure, his dad doesn't hear me sob.
My hand shivers over the doorknob and it takes every little strength I have in me, to not open this door and run up to Teo.
I'd only make matters worse if his dad sees me, it's not like I could take him.
"Fuck you." Teo mutters, spitting blood on his dad's shoes.
Damnit Teo.
I breathe heavily, knowing his dad won't let that slide.
And I was right. Teo gets beat again and again and again, until I can't look anymore and turn away, biting my tongue, eyes closed as I hear each fist meeting Teo's body. And Teo's grunts becoming less and less at each hit.

What had only been the matter of minutes before his dad finally left the room, felt like hours.
For a moment I am frozen in place, as fear had taken full control of my body.

Though, I quickly snap out of it and open the closet door, rushing to Teo, falling down next to him, on my knees.
"Teo—," I sob.
"I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry you had to see that Eleanor."
He can't seriously be apologizing to me right now, when he's lying on the floor, his face covered in blood, that's even coming out of his mouth.
"Sshhh, don't— it's okay." I stroke his hair as another tear rolls down my cheek.

I didn't know I could care this much about someone I just met.
Teo starts coughing, blood spilling out of his mouth. I help him sit upright against his bed, Teo's face cringing from the pain.
"I'm sorry," he says again, while panting.
I ignore him and ask, "What can I
do to help you?"
"I have an emergency kit in the bottom drawer of my nightstand," Teo answers, hanging in between consciousness and unconsciousnesses.
"Stay awake okay," I say, holding his face in my hands before getting up to grab the emergency kit, tiptoeing to make sure Teo's dad doesn't hear me.

I find the emergency kit and put it on Teo's bed, then heading towards him.
I help him get on his bed, before kneeling down in front of him.
Teo tells me what to do as I take care of his wounds, not knowing how to do so myself.
My heart aches every time he winces in pain once I start disinfecting his cuts.

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