11. Teo

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Everything's grey.
It has been for as long as I can remember.
And on a rainy day, suddenly the sun appeared from behind a cloud.

My hands shook a little when Eleanor sat down on my lap and I took hold of her hips.
I felt her move against me and fought for self control.
I felt confused, not understanding wether this came from her or the substance.

My high was still euphoric as ever and everything had color.
But El, she was the brightest of all.
Her green eyes peered into mine and I tried to figure her out. I failed poorly.
If I had learned anything about Eleanor, it's that she is all but an open book.

Her face moves closer to mine and all I want is to pull her in. But I don't want to pressure her into anything she might not want.
Our noses are almost touching when there's voices coming from the distance, and El practically flies off my lap — taking an amazing amount of warmth with her, that I instantly miss.

We don't say a word to each other as everyone enters the car.
Carl says he's sober enough to drive, but I don't believe him. I don't say anything though, as it doesn't feel like I'm in a position to disagree.

On the slow drive back to the house, I feel Eleanor's leg touch mine every once in a while and it makes my stomach twist.
She never looks away from the window.

Once we're back in the house, the clock hits ten thirty. Carl takes care of Elijah's back in his room, while I bandage Eleanor's leg in the kitchen.
My heart beats rapidly in my chest, the image of her being so close to me playing in my head over and over again.

"All done," I say, once I'm done bandaging her shinbone.
"Thanks," she says with a distant look on her face.
"I guess I'll see you tomorrow then...
"I'm sorry!" Eleanor blurts out, grabbing my arm before I can walk away.
"What?" I ask, confused.
"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable earlier."
"You—" I try, but she frantically cuts me off.
"I shouldn't have done that— I would never want to ruin our friendship—"
"El," I say firm.
She stops talking and breathes in and out.
"I— you didn't make me uncomfortable."
"Are you sure?" She asks, a pleading look on her face. "You're not just saying that right?"
"No... and I kinda wish it didn't end the way it did."

El's expression changes and suddenly there's a loud banging on the front door.
I flinch, remembering all the times my dad would bang on the door to my room, and how it'd never end well for me.

I also remember the last time it had happened.
It was when El was hiding in my closet.

A warm hand touches my arm, snapping me out of thought.

In the corner of my eye, I see Carl rushing to the door with a key in hand — unlocking the door and opening it.
A tall man in a suit barges in and stops in front of Carl.

"D-dad what are you doing here?" Carl stutters, not looking his father in the eyes.
Elijah comes running down the stairs in nothing but jogging pants, panting as he says, "Where's all that noise— oh... Hey mister Evans." Elijah scratches the back of his head. "Yeah... I'm gonna go— leave y'all to it." He turns around and goes back up the stairs.

Mister Evans clears his throat, his eyes moving from Elijah and back to his son.
"Carl, what the hell do you think you're doing?" He starts. I'm confused. "I got a call from a concerned neighbor, who thought someone had broken into our vacation home. He doesn't know that car is yours." Carl suddenly finds the floor rather interesting, not looking up.
"I'm so—" mister Evans cuts him off.
"Now why wouldn't you just ask your mother and I if you could have some friends over?"

"I did ask you!" Carl snaps, raising his voice. "But you and mom— you were too fucking busy with work to even remember."
Mister Evans his expression changes as he clears his throat.
"I'm sorry son. It's just with our new business— I know we haven't been the best parents lately and that we've been away too much. Tell you what, you and your friends can stay and we'll talk about it when your mom and I get back from Brazil two weeks from now."

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