Chapter 6

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The young lady said something I didn't hear, returning my attention to her.

"Sorry, what did you say?" Being around the hunters helped improve my English. The woman smiled at me, and her eyes traveled down to the dagger at my waist. She could see through the mist, I realized.

"Thank the gods, Gabe went on vacation," The woman muttered quietly. Only the cats and I heard her. She then looked at me.

"I'm Sally, dear. Come on in. Don't mind the stench or mess." Sally said, stepping aside and inviting me into her house. Calla and Strider followed me. The boy kept looking at them in awe, and Sally smiled.

"Percy dear, can you go grab some clean clothes please." Sally told the little boy. While Percy did that, Sally brought me to the bathroom.

"Do you want a bath or shower sweetie?" She asked me. I took a shower at Rachel's house, I knew that, so I decided I would try a bath. Sally turned the water on. Percy entered the room, holding a pile of fresh clothes. Reluctantly, I gave Sally my bag, and she pulled out my change of clothes.

"Do you want me to wash these for you?" I nodded with a smile. Sally gave my clothes to Percy, who ran off.

"Do you need help?" Sally asked, pointing to the shower. I thought for a moment, then shook my head. I wanted space.

"Call if you need me," Sally told me. She placed a kiss on my forehead and then left me alone. I stripped my clothes and climbed into the water. I breathed a sigh of relief as I was surrounded by my element. I felt my mind clear, and all my cuts and scars began to heal. Slowly, I submerged my head under. I could breathe, so I didn't have to worry about drowning. I would have stayed like that forever if I didn't remember my mission.

When I was dressed, I left the bathroom and entered the kitchen. I was met with the smell of food. There were small, round, blue things on the counter. I smelled chicken, even though I couldn't see it, and I smelled Strawberries.

Percy sat at the counter, taking the blue things when Sally wasn't looking. I giggled a little bit and climbed onto the chair next to him. Sally turned around to see Percy's face covered in blue crumbs.

"Percy," She said sternly, a smile working its way onto her face. Percy laughed and ran into another room. Sally rolled her eyes and turned to me.

"Camp?" She asked. I nodded. Sally sighed and grabbed a plastic bag. She filled it with bits of chicken and blue things. Then she looked at Calla and Strider and dropped some chicken on the floor. They smelled it, and once the two ensured the chicken was safe, they gobbled it right up. Sally smiled and handed me the bag, which I took gratefully. Then she turned to the sink to fill a water bottle for me, but the tap wasn't working. Sally muttered something and sighed. I reached my hand out and felt that the water pressure had built up. I closed my eyes and fixed it. As the water gushed out, Sally turned to me wide-eyed. Fear. For a moment, I was confused. Then I realized she thought I was a child of Poseidon. I shook my head quickly.

"Amphitrite," I said, and Sally relaxed.

"Percy!" She called out and said boy came running into the room, carrying a bunch of clothes. My clothes. Sally stuffed the clothes into my backpack along with the food. Sally glanced at Percy, and an understanding passed between them. He walked over to me and gave me a big hug. My body stiffened and then melted into it, hugging him back. This boy was my step-brother. When Percy let go, Sally led me to the door. It was time for me to go.

"Goodbye," She paused, and I realized I had never told her my name.

"Eliza," I said. She smiled at me.

"Goodbye, Eliza. Good luck," She said. And then I was off. Alone with Calla and Strider once more.


Short chapter today. But Eliza met Percy!!!!!!!!! Happy Pride Month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Cae Cae

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