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TW: fighting

I didn't want to be at this party, I'd much rather be at home, cuddled up on the pull out couch with JJ and watching movies. After almost an hour of the rest of the pogues begging I finally gave in, "I'm gonna go get more beer, need a refill?" JJ rested his arm around my waist and I nodded, handing him my cup.

"Yeah, if you see Kie send her my way?" I asked, wondering where my best friend was. Probably somewhere with John B or Pope but I was bored and wanted to dance. Plus, this was her idea.

"Sure thing." After kissing me on the cheek I watched as he walked back down the beach towards the kegs.

"No way, is that true?" I heard voices behind me, two girls. Kooks. I had my back turned to them as my ears tuned into their conversation. I know, I know, it's not polite to eaves drop but what else am I supposed to do?

"Swear, everyone thinks he's so bad ass but the black eye is from his dad." Another girl snickered. Instantly I knew they were talking about JJ, my blood boiled as my fists tightened.

"Guess that's what happens when you're a dirty pogue." The other replied, both of them continuing to laugh at my boyfriends situation.

I spun on my heels and faced them, "What did you just say?"

"Oh god, here we go." The girl, who I recognized from around town, I think her name was Josie or some shit.

"Careful, Josie, she's psychooo." The brunette on her left sang, "Just JJ's type, what a good couple."

"I'd rather be psycho than a stuck up bitch like you." My voice raised as I took a step towards them, both of the girls taking a step back. "Dirty pogue, huh? Couldn't come up with something more original?" I mocked, smacking the red solo cup from Josie's hand and into the sand beneath our feet.

"He is and so are you." Josie straightened her posture as we now stood toe to toe. I could feel the anger rising, my cheeks becoming warm.

Without second thought I connected my fist to her jaw, sending her stumbling back a bit, "What the hell!?" Her friend yelled, pushing my shoulder. After regaining my balance quickly I swung on her, sending her to the ground with a thud.

"Stupid bitch!" Josie yelled, standing to her feet and rushing me. Before I knew it I was on my back in the sand, both of her legs straddling me as she punched me on the cheekbone.

Flipping us around I was now hovering over her, my fists swinging, landing punch after punch.

"Y/n!" Kiara exclaimed, her arm snaked around my torso as she pried me off of Josie, who was now laying in the sand with her hand on her jaw, one arm holding her off the ground.

"If I ever hear you talk about the pogues or my boyfriend ever again I swear to fucking god!" I screamed as Kiara pulled me away, I fought against her, feeling as though this stuck up kook hadn't exactly learned her lesson yet.

"Hey, hey, what happened?" JJ rushed over as Kiara finally let her hold on me go. Suddenly John B and Pope were now next to JJ, forming a wall so I wouldn't charge at the kook.

"That stupid bitch was running her mouth." I huffed, catching my breath, "Called you a dirty pogue, what was I supposed to do? Let her to it?"

John B looked over his shoulder before turning back to us, "She's leaving."

"You kicked her ass, Y/n." Pope chuckled a little. It was nice seeing him loosen up. Usually he frowned upon fighting but I feel like he understood my reasoning behind it.

"Her boyfriend is coming this way." Kiara swallowed hard as the guys spun around, keeping the barrier between us and him.

"Does your girlfriend have a problem?" He asked, doing his best to puff his chest and seem intimidating. Although he was taller than JJ, the blonde was never one to back down from a fight, especially if someone brought my name into it.

"My girlfriend? No. Yours? Apparently." JJ seethed, "Why don't you get off our side of the island."

"I think I'll have a word with yours first, yeah?" He asked, pointing his finger behind my boyfriend and towards me. I squeezed my way between JJ and Pope and was now standing toe to toe with the six foot something tall man.

"Heard you wanted to have a word." I stated, looking up at the man in front of me. I'll admit, I was scared he would hit me, but with the rest of the pogues behind me I knew if he did it wouldn't end well for him.

"Keep your hands off Josie, got it?" His dark eyes stared into mine as his finger jabbed at my chest with every word he spoke. I grabbed his pointer finger and bent it backwards, sending him to his knees in front of me.

I bend over so my lips were next to his ear, I could see JJ ready to jump in at any moment, "If you ever touch me again I will break every fucking bone in your hand, got that? Get the hell off our side of the island."

I bent his finger back a little more and he shifted in pain, looking up at the guys, "You heard her, leave." Kiara said, having my back.

After giving him his hand back I stood up, backing slowly into JJ's chest. I felt his arms go around my waist, watching as Josie's boyfriend gave us all dirty looks.

"Go!" Kiara threatened, taking a step forward and he backed away. John B put a hand on her shoulder so she wouldn't charge at him next.

"Your girlfriend is psycho." He pointed to me before turning on his heels and leaving.

"You hear that?" I asked, turning around and wrapping my arms around JJ, "He called me psycho."

"Yeah," He replied, "I like it though." He leaned forward and placed a kiss onto my lips.

"Oh, gross, get a room." John B fake gagged as the three of them walked away laughing to reconnect with the party.

"You didn't have to do that, I'm used to it by now." JJ's face fell and I directed his gaze back to me with a finger under his chin. Seeing his black eye broke my heart.

"JJ, I'd do anything for you. I love you, okay? Nothing's going to change that." My voice was barely above a whisper.

"I love you too." He replied, placing a kiss onto my forehead. I let my arms slip from around his neck as they reattached around his torso, pulling him into a hug he rested his head on top of mine.

"Am I really psycho?" I pouted, pulling away and looking up to his blue eyes.

"Only for me." He joked. As we walked towards our friends he rested his arm around both of my shoulders, "I'm psycho for you too."



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