love, your sis

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TW: death, grieving a loved one
love, your sis: y/n is struggling with the loss of her sister, kiara carrera.
this was a request based off a tiktok <3
i've seen so many versions of this tiktok and was happy (not happy cause this is sad but i was happy to be able to write it, if that makes sense) to see someone request one so thank you<3

With three different shirts laid on my bed I stared at them all and imagined how'd they look on me. I somehow convinced the JJ Maybank to take me to the beach at sunset and paint small canvases with me. To say he had a soft spot for me was an understatement, he would do anything just to see me smile and I was grateful for him each and every day.

"I like this one," I said to my sister as I slipped the loose fitting white crop top over my head. It was hers, I stole it from her closet forever ago, "What do you think? I need your opinion 'cause he'll be here soon."

"Y/n, stop." Kiara said as she stood in my doorway. Through my mirror I looked at her, furrowing my brows in confusion.

"Stop what?" I questioned and looked back to myself to run my fingers through my hair. My curls/waves weren't quite agreeing with me today. That was my favorite thing her and I shared, our hair.

"Stop acting like I'm still here." My body turned and when I looked to the doorway where she once stood she was gone.

"No, no, no..." I whispered to my self and rushed to the hallway, "Kie?!" I shouted, memories threatening to resurface as my body fell to the floor beneath me, my knees hitting the ground so hard it was sure to leave bruises, "Kiara!?"

"Police still searching for 17-year-old Kiara Carrera who was abducted after a plane crash in the Caribbean."

I leaned forward and tugged at my hair as my chest heaved. I felt like I couldn't breathe. The tips of my fingers and lips began to tingle and I took rapid, quick breaths, "Kiara!?" My voice vibrated the ground as I shouted in desperation.

"This morning at 5:34 a.m. police stormed a suspected location of the teen girl. Only to be met with everyone's worst nightmare. The body of Kiara Carrera was found, condolences to her family and friends."

"Kiara!?" I continued to shout. Hot tears fell from my eyes like a waterfall but I couldn't stop them. My sister, my best friend, my shoulder to cry on, was gone. Kiara was gone.

"Y/n!" JJ's voice replied to my cries but I couldn't move. My body laid on the hallway floor as I shook, my breathing still rapid and staggered, "Y/n." He hovered over me and lifted me from the ground and into his chest.

"No!" I shoved him away and stood up, running to her room as I began to search for something. I didn't know what but I'd know when I found it. I needed something to comfort me. My hands ripped her closet door open and I began throwing clothes out of it. Dark spots clouded my vision but I didn't care.

"Baby..." JJ said softly behind me but I ignored him, "What are you looking for? I can help you find it."

As I threw clothes onto the floor I finally found what I was looking for. An old quilt. Kiara had made it when she was going through her sewing phase. She took a bunch of our old t-shirts from when we were kids and cut them into squares to make a blanket. I clung the fabric to my chest and sat onto the ground as I cried.

I closed my eyes tightly and prayed for this to all be some type of nightmare and when I opened them I'd wake up.

When I opened my eyes I saw I was still sitting in her closet, her clothes thrown around her room with JJ looking down at me now letting tears fall down his cheeks.

"What am I supposed to do?" My voice cracked as I looked up to him, "My sister is dead."

He kneeled down and grabbed the blanket from me, only to wrap it around my body and gesture for me to crawl into his arms. When I did he stood up and held me tightly, making sure the blanket stayed secured around me as he exited Kiara's room, taking me to my own.

Still not letting a single word leave his lips he grabbed a candle off my nightstand a slipped a lighter from his pocket, lighting a flame to the wick.

"Here lies Kiara Carrera. Sister, friend, daughter. A turtle-saving environmentalist who's dream in life was to rid the use of plastic and solve world hunger." JJ spoke softly as he held the candle in his hands between us, "She will be missed but never ever forgotten. Her memory will live on through the music of Bob Marley and the sound of waves crashing."

"That was beautiful..." I choked out, using the blanket to wipe the stray tears still resting on my cheeks. My eyes looked to the flame as I watched it sway, the yellow and orange mixing together, "I'll miss you for the rest of my life, Kie, but until then rock out with Bob Marley until your feet hurt." I could feel JJ's eyes on me as I spoke, "Also, I'm sorry for stealing your shirt." I let a faint laugh leave my parted lips as they formed an 'o' shape and blew the candle out.

"Look at me, pretty girl." JJ sat the candle onto my nightstand and brought his hands to either side of my face, "You'll see her again, after you live a long and beautiful life. She's watching over you every single day, cheering you on whenever you surf and yelling at you whenever you do something dumb." I nodded my head at him, soaking in every word he was saying, "I promise you are not going through this alone."

"Lay with me?" My hands grabbed onto his as I asked, "Please?" He made his way under my covers and pulled me over him so my head could lay comfortably on his chest. As he combed through my hair with his fingers I tugged the quilt over me and tightened my fist around the fabric of his shirt to remind me he was here. I wasn't alone.

Kiara was with me, everyday, in my heart.

"Can I do something for you that I think will help?" JJ asked from above me and I sat up to look at him. I nodded my head and allowed him to lift me out of bed, he took the quilt and folded it over his arm. Before we left my room he slid his backpack over his arm as well and took us down the stairs and outside. He opened my car door for me and I got in, him taking the drivers seat.


JJ's hand held onto mine as we walked down the beach, the sun was falling into the horizon and the sky was a magnificent shade of orange.

"Kiara..." I stopped and closed my eyes. This sunset was painted by my favorite artist, my sister, "This is her sunset." I opened my eyes to see a small smile tugging at JJ's lips.

We sat in the sand and he pulled his backpack off his back and began digging through it. He pulled out my ukulele along with a small canvas and paint.

"Play me something and I'll paint you something." He offered and I accepted.

My fingers strummed the strings, playing the familiar tune to Kie's favorite song. It was the first thing she ever taught me to play and ever since then I've been obsessed with it. As JJ painted next to me I leaned my head onto his shoulder.

I swear as I played I could hear the echo of her joining in, bringing me a sense of comfort. She was here. As the breeze picked up I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds of the waves crashing against one another.

"I needed this." I stopped and looked down to see JJ actually doing a decent job with the picture he was painting. It was obvious he was painting me sitting on the beach, my heart melted.

"I know, baby," He turned his head to kiss me on the cheek, "Keep playing, it sounds beautiful."

Dear Kie,

If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

Your sis


I'm fucking sobbing rn

Losing a loved one isn't easy and I wish someone would've been there for me in this type of way when I lost my aunt.

JJ Maybank imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now