admit it

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admit it: kie and pope make a plan to get jj to admit his feelings for y/n when she's too stubborn to believe he loves her
this isn't a request but it seems like everyone is needing some fluff and also enjoy nervous jj so im here to deliver<3
also, make sure you're reading the povs so you know who's perspective were in, im trying something new specifically for this imagine

Kiaras pov

"And you're sure this is going to work?" I asked Pope as we sat on the picnic tables by his house. Him and I made a plan to finally get JJ and Y/n, the two most oblivious people in the entire world, to admit their feelings for each other. We all know how they feel, we've had it figured out since day one. The only people that don't know are themselves.

"I'm sure, all you have to do is go over to her house, call me and put it on speaker." Pope explained and I nodded my head in understanding. After years of watching them nervously flirt then pull away from each other, it was time to get the ball rolling.

"And JJ will be here soon?" I questioned to make sure the plan wouldn't have any holes and would go off without a hitch.

"Any minute now, you should get to Y/n's." I said my goodbyes and quickly made my way to her house, I knew she would be home since her parents were gone and she had the entire house to herself for the weekend.

I knocked on the door and waited for her to swing it open.

Y/n's pov

Three knocks on my front door made me shut my music off and pause cleaning my room. Did I invite someone over and forget? Shuffling down the stairs I opened the door to see one of my favorite people, "Kie? Hey! I didn't know you were coming over."

"I was on my way home and figured I'd come hang out." She walked into the house and it took me a second to put two and two together as I closed the door.

"You live in the opposite direction of my house," I explained and pointed the opposite direction, "You don't have to make an excuse to come over, you guys are welcome here whenever." She smiled at me an almost nervous looking smile. I shrugged off her odd behavior and gestured for her to follow me to my room where I was putting laundry away.

"I gotta call Pope." Kie plopped onto my bed stomach first and went through her contacts. Since she was going to be on the phone I kept my music paused and sat next to her, letting my head rest onto her shoulder as she clicked the speaker button waiting for him to pick up.

"I don't get why you're trying to get me to talk about Y/n when you already know how I feel." It was JJ's voice coming through the phone and I furrowed my brows at Kiara. I should've known she was up to something when she popped in unannounced. I went to speak but Kie muted us and I sat up.

"What are you up to?" I questioned. I was now sitting criss-cross above her.

"Do you trust me?" She asked. Pope and JJ's voice was muffled in the background since my focus was on Kie.

I nodded my head, "Of course I do."

"Then just listen," She gestured to the phone, "I get that you're all 'I hate love' and stuff but I know you love JJ and I also know he loves you, too."

"Kie, he doesn't—"

"Fine, alright. We're really doing this?" JJ's voice caught my attention and I could hear his voice becoming more serious, "The first time I saw her I was riding my dirt bike through town..."

JJ Maybank imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now