i'm sorry

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i'm sorry: y/n and jj get into an argument and with both of them being the most stubborn people in the world, neither of them apologize. that's until they try to fall asleep without each other.
this was requested <3

"I'm not fucking apologizing to him." I seethed as I sat on my porch with my arms crossed over my chest. John B hung lazily out of my front door, using his arm to hang onto the door frame so he wouldn't fall, "If he wants to flirt with other bitches then so be it, don't care."

"You do care." Sarah pointed out and I rolled my eyes at her. The girls were currently outside with me trying to get me to apologize for the fight while Pope and JB were inside with JJ.

"He says he wasn't flirting." John B defended, I heard JJ talking in-distinctively from inside of the house. I didn't even want to hear his voice right now, his existence itself was enough to piss me off. I then heard my boyfriend mumble something again before JB spoke up, "He said she came onto him."

"That's always what they say." I trailed off and looked away from him. Kie slid her arm over my shoulder and I grabbed onto it with one of my hands, letting my head lean onto hers.

"Let us be." Kie shooed him away and he huffed as he stood up to close the door and go back inside.

"You're being dramatic!" I heard JJ yell out. I let my feet fall onto the porch and lean over towards the door to make sure he would hear me yell back.

"And you're a bitch!" I exclaimed back. When the front door finally closed I fell back to how I was sitting before.

Suddenly the silence was filled with laughter, first it was Cleo, then Sarah, then Kie and I, "A bitch?" Cleo asked and I nodded my head.

"It's all I could think of," I defended as we continued laughing at the name I had called him. As fast as the laughing began it had stopped, "Am I being dramatic?"

"No way," Sarah's voice softened as she rubbed my shoulder, "If you saw him flirting, then he was flirting. Don't let a man invalidate your feelings."

"There is always a chance you saw wrong though," Kie spoke and I turned my head to face her, "I've known JJ for a long time and while he may not have the best track record, he's different with you. When he met you it wasn't just about hooking-up, he actually wanted to know you. I personally think you should let him explain."

With two conflicting words on either side of me I looked to Cleo, her being the tie-breaker, "What do you think I should do?" I asked.

"Trust your gut," Cleo leaned forward off her chair a bit to rest her elbows onto her thighs, "But I know you and I know him, neither of you are going to be the first to apologize. You're both stubborn."

"What? I'm not stubborn." I argued. The girls gave me 'be for real' type look and I huffed while leaning my back into the chair, "Okay, maybe a little stubborn. Just, like, this much." I held my pointer finger and thumb close together for a visual.

JJ's pov

"Did she seriously just call me a bitch?" I asked the guys, they nodded their heads to confirm while John B returned to his seat, "She's being dramatic, right? I didn't do anything wrong. The chick came onto me and I politely told her I had a girlfriend."

"Okay, but obviously Y/n saw something different happen." Pope argued and I leaned back into the couch, "Did something different happen, JJ?"

"Dude, if you're siding with the enemy go out onto the porch." I pointed to the front door and he held his hands up in defeat while kicking back into his spot.

JJ Maybank imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now