long distance

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long distance: being apart is hard but Rudy does everything he can to make sure it feels like he's with you
this was requested <3

The house felt emptier than usual today. Rudy was off filming season four of Outer Banks which meant the house would feel this way for at least another two months. I've been through this three times before but it never gets easier.

I laid on the couch in one of his sweatshirts with a fuzzy blankets wrapped around me, attempting to mimic the way Rudy would cuddle with me. It wasn't working.

Grabbing my phone I went to his texts, sending a simple message asking when he would be able to FaceTime me, I just wanted to see his face. Even for a minute. Of course, I had projects of my own, small roles in movies, but this was my off season.

It's Madison, I stole Rudy's phone when I saw it was you.

Lmao are you busy? Ft me, I'm bored

Seconds later I had an incoming FaceTime from Madison off Rudy's phone.

"Hey, girl!" She beamed once she answered, holding the phone in front of her, "Wanna watch Rudy film a scene?"

"Yeah!" I exclaimed. She flipped the camera around and I saw Rudy in his JJ attire, talking over a script with Jonas before he got back to shooting. Since they were a ways away I couldn't quite tell what they were saying. My lips formed into a smile as I watched him work, he was so dedicated to his roles, I loved it.

"Cut! Everyone take five!" The director said and I got excited seeing Rudy make his way over to Madison as she pointed the camera right at his face.

"Why are you on my phone?" He laughed and tried looking behind the screen to see who Madison was talking to.

"It's Y/n, she's sad and bored." Madison handed the phone to my boyfriend and he flipped the camera, now inches away with a smile on his face.

"Hi, baby." I smiled at my phone, I already felt better hearing his voice.

"I miss you." He pouted his bottom lip out, "Like, a lot, a lot."

"The bed is empty without you." I returned the sad face and nuzzled my head into the blanket I was holding tightly to my chin, "When do you come home?"

"We've got six more weeks of filming left." He explained and my face fell, "I know this sucks, but I'll be home the second filming is over."

We continued talking for another couple minutes until he had to go finish his scene, sharing many more 'I love you's' and 'I miss you's' before hanging up.

*Two weeks later*

"You look exhausted, babe, get some sleep." Rudy said through the phone. It was almost midnight and he told me he wanted to sleep on FaceTime tonight, I happily agreed. My phone was propped up on a blanket while the screen slightly illuminated the room.

"I don't want to sleep," I mumbled, "You'll be busy all day tomorrow so I won't get to talk to you." I felt a tear slide down my cheek and I wiped it away before he could notice. I didn't want to seem needy or ungrateful for his accomplishments, but he knew how sad I got when he was gone and understood where I was coming from. 

"Look at me," He replied, I looked up at the screen to see him in bed as well. His blonde hair was messy from turning on his pillow, but it still looked perfect to me, "I will try my best to talk to you tomorrow as much as I can, okay? I promise."

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