ambulance rescue

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ambulance rescue: what if john b had a sister that took the fall for him? what if jj's famous ambulance rescue mission actually worked?
this was requested<3 (y/n taking the blame)

"No, no, fuck!" When I saw the red and blue flashing lights all the hope in my heart disappeared in fear that I was too late, "John B!" I shouted once I got closer.

Earlier I went on my own mission to try and clear my brothers name before they figured out he was back on the island, obviously that didn't go well since they were surrounding the pogues with guns drawn, "Y/n!?" John B's eyes widened when he saw me sprinting towards the group.

Out of instinct I stood in front of them and faced the officers, my arms out stretched trying to shield them the best I could.

"Guns down," Shoupe demanded and the guns lowered, "Y/n, move out of the way so we can arrest your brother for the murder of Sheriff Peterkin."

My hands began to shake as I looked up, making strong eye contact with Shoupe, "I can't let you do that." I swallowed the lump in my throat, "because he didn't do it."

"Y/n what the hell are you doing?" My brother whispered from behind me and I ignored him, "Stand down." He tried ordering. We made a deal when we were younger, whenever one of us said 'stand down' we'd listen, but not this time. Sorry John B.

"Oh really?" Shoupe chuckled, "Then who did?"

"I-I did, it was me." My voice trembled as I pointed to my chest. I didn't have time to think this through completely before I spoke, but whatever kept my brother out of trouble and jail is something I'd consider a win in my book, "I murdered Sheriff Peterkin."

"She's lying!" JJ pulled me back with his arm around my torso, "She didn't do it! Neither of them did!"

"Y/n, don't do this." Kie placed her hand onto my shoulder and when I looked at her I felt the tears beginning to fall, my bottom lip quivering from the incoming cries.

"My sister didn't do it." John B raised both his hands and slowly walked in front of me as the officers lifted their guns back up.

"JJ, let go." I spun around in his grasp but he only tightened the hold, "You have to let me go, please, let me do this for my brother."

"You want me to let them take you to jail for something neither of you did? Are you dumb?" He questioned angrily and shook me a bit in his grasp, "They're not taking you anywhere."

"JJ—" I pushed against his arms, "Dammit, Jay!" I cursed and fought a bit harder until I found his weak spot, making his arms unlock from around me as I raced back in front of John B, "I did it! It was all me!"

"You really expect me to believe that you, Y/n Routledge, would commit murder?" Shoupe took a step towards me and I nodded my head yes.

"That's all the more reason you should believe me," I really hoped my brother wouldn't hate me for what I'd say next, but I had to sell the lie, "You know me, Shoupe. I'm a straight A student, volunteer on the weekends, helped fundraise the animal shelter. John B has been running from the law ever since our dad disappeared, he knows how to lie, but me? Come on now...we were both there on the tarmac that day."

"Y/n." Pope's voice was soft but stern, I couldn't get myself to look at him, or any of them for that matter. All I know is that I have to keep my brother safe. No matter what it takes.

"Alright, boys, cuff her." Shoupe looked me right in the eyes as the other officer roughly grabbed onto me, pulled my arms down behind my back, and cuffed me, "Never woulda saw this coming."

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