safe place

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safe place: after a fight with his dad, jj goes to his girlfriends house wanting to be somewhere he felt safe, loved, and secure.
this was requested<3

JJ's pov

"You are nothing!" My father screamed at me, getting right in my face as his finger jabbed at my chest. My jaw clenched and my fists tightened at my sides, "That's all you'll ever be..nothing."

"I'm done with you." I seethed and shoved him away from me. He stumbled, the back of his feet hitting the couch which sent him sitting down onto the cushion with force, "I'm not coming back."

"Where do you think you're gonna go?" He asked with a laugh and got up from the couch to follow me to my room, "Gonna go cry to your little girlfriend? C'mon now, JJ! She doesn't love you!" His hand pulled my duffel bag from mine and threw it onto the floor.

His words cause something to snap inside my chest. So I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and shoved him against the wall, "Yes she does! Don't you ever fucking say that!"

"You're letting your emotions control you, thought I raised you better than this," His hands locked onto my wrists and he threw my arms down, "If you leave don't you ever come back."

I swallowed the lump in my throat and sent him a glare, wishing that my eyes could somehow suffocate him without raising a finger. Wanting nothing more than to get out of this house as soon as possible, I grabbed my duffel bag aggressively off the floor and threw a random assortment of clothes inside.

My father once again followed me down the hallway towards the front door and before I could open it he grabbed my shoulders and shoved me against the wall. Without time to react he threw his fist, sending a shooting pain through cheekbone.

"When she leaves you, don't you try and come back here, got it?" I doubled over and he kneeled down to speak lowly into my ear. All I wanted was to leave, to never see him again, to finally feel safe with someone who loves me. I'd never have that with him, even though it's all I've ever wanted.

"You won't have to worry about that," I sucked in a sharp breath and pushed him away from me so I could open the door and slam it shut behind me.

I sat my duffel bag in my lap and kick started my dirt bike, then sped my way towards my girlfriends house.

As houses and trees passed by I couldn't help but let a tear fall down my cheek, it quickly being dried by the wind. I hated feeling so empty, so worthless and alone.

"JJ!?" Y/n questioned from her porch when I pulled into her driveway, "Baby? What's wrong?" She rushed down the porch steps and to my side, cupping my face in her hands and wiping the tears with her thumb, "What happened? Was it your dad? I'll kill him, I swear—"

"Will you just hold me, please?" My voice was shaky and threatening to break. Around her I could let myself be vulnerable, I could show her a side of me no one has ever seen before.

"Let's go inside," She ushered me off the bike and grabbed my duffel bag, which I snagged back from her so she wouldn't have to carry it.

"Oh my—! JJ!" Her mother gasped when we entered the house, seeing what could only be my eye from the punch my dad threw.

"Mom," Y/n scolded for pointing it out, "Do we still have those ice pack things?"

"Of course, I-I'll go grab one." Her mother stuttered worriedly and ran to the kitchen.

"Let's go to my room," She grabbed onto my hand and I trailed close behind her as we entered the room and closed the door behind us, "C'mere." Her arms opened as she laid onto the bed.

Something about the simple gesture made me fall into a fit of sobs. After only being handed the worst cards in life, how did I get lucky enough to be loved by her? Someone so caring and kind, who's always there for me no matter the time or day, "I can't go back." I cried into the fabric of her shirt, "I-I won't."

"Hey," She whispered and ran her fingers through my hair, "You don't have to do anything you don't want to. I promise."

A soft knock was placed onto her door and her mother entered the room, an ice pack in her hand, "Here, hun, let this sit on your eye for a bit." She came over and I turned onto my side to look at her.

"Thank you, Mrs. L/n." I thanked the woman who has treated me as her own since the very beginning.

"I'm going to start dinner, burgers sound okay to you two?" She asked and we both began nodding our heads yes. The small smile never left her face as she closed the bedroom door.

"I love you," Y/n promised and nudged me to return my head to her chest, I happily did. I'd take any opportunity just to be close to her, whether it's holding her hand or cuddling up against her while we slept. Anything to feel her presence was enough for me, "You mean everything to me, JJ."

"I love you most," I quietly argued, "You're my safe place, princess." She held me tighter when the words left my lips, "Please don't ever leave."

"I promise," She whispered and kissed the top of my head, "You don't ever have to worry about me leaving."

The room fell into a peaceful silence as her hands continued rubbing my back and playing with my hair, I swear it was her favorite thing to do.

When I'm with her the world felt safe. Her smile gave me hope that maybe I do deserve all the good things in life, including her.

Y/n L/n is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I'll spend the rest of my life thanking her for making me so happy.

Y/n's pov

I felt JJ's breathing fall into a steady rhythm and I knew that meant he was asleep, so I grabbed my phone and texted my mom.

JJ is sleeping, is it okay if we eat dinner later?

Of course, make sure he gets lots of rest. Poor boy has been through enough already

Thanks mom, love you<3

Love you too sweetheart

She was right. JJ has been through enough pain and suffering to last a lifetime, so I'd do anything to see even the smallest smile on his face.

His hand fell from holding the ice pack onto his eye and I quickly grabbed it, returning it to the swollen area. It broke my heart seeing the bruising beginning to form on his skin.

"You're my safe place, too, JJ." I whispered to him in his unconscious state. I know he couldn't hear me, but I just needed to say it and when he woke up I'd say it again. I'd say it a million times over so he knew that he, too, was the safest place in my life. The place I go to smile, laugh, cry, to experience genuine and real joy.

Being someone's safe haven may sound like the most rewarding thing in the world, until you realize all the reasons why they only feel safe with you. Then it breaks your heart.

I moved slightly to return my phone back onto my nightstand, "Babe," He stirred in his sleep and wrapped his arms around my torso tighter, "Are you leaving?"

"No." I replied and let him get comfortable, "I'm right here."

"Okay." His voice was fragile and sleepy as he closed his eyes again.

My eyes studied the features of him as he slept until I also fell asleep, the broken JJ safely in my arms.


This is cute

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