Vol. 1 - Chapter 1: Chaotic Classroom

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Chapter 1 – Chaotic Classroom

Kiyotaka's POV

After walking with my supposed 'friends' for a while, we split up to find our respective classroom, as it turned out that we are assigned in different classes.

Now, as someone who has been isolated in "that place" for my entire life, I would like to experience new things that I'm unable to before.

A normal and peaceful life.

I enter classroom that has "D" sign on it. It seems like half of the class are already here. I don't want to stand out so I immediately enter to blend in and find my desk. Chatters can be heard across the room. Did these people come from the same school or just meet here? They act like they know each other already. While the others are immersed in their own thing.

They seem to notice my presence but didn't really put much thought into it and go back to what they are doing,

Well, except for one person.

A petite girl with a lilac-colored hair is staring at me with a smug on her face. I look at her and at that moment, she averted her gaze without removing her smile.

"Weird" I muttered to myself.

Did she know me? No, that almost impossible. Regardless, I set aside my thoughts on the girl as I finally find my sit. It was located at the very back of the room and at my side is the window where a large tree is situated with several birds in it. A pretty nice place to sit to be honest.

"What an unpleasant coincidence"

As I was observing birds outside, a girl came near to my sit and utter those words.

"So, we were place in the same class, huh" I replied

"Well, there is only four classes so it's not that surprising" she looks around the classroom before continuing. "I'm just glad your other 3 friends are not here"

"Sorry to disappoint you but they will be here shortly, I go ahead of them since they are still arguing and I don't want to deal with it."

"What?!" The girl turned her head on me and narrowed her eyes, it seems that Ichika and the others really piss her off.

"I'm joking"

She sighs and sat on her chair beside me.

"Your monotonous voice says otherwise"

I feel like she just insulted me but I let it slide for now.

"Sorry, I have trouble expressing emotion, anyways nice to meet you, I'm Ayanokouji Kiyotaka"

"Do you mind if I refuse?" she asked while getting something on her bag.

"I don't think sitting next to someone for an entire year without knowing their name would be comfortable."

"I See, I can't say that it's nice to meet you but I'm Horikita Suzune"

Well at least she gave her name.

After her introduction, Horikita opens the book from her bag, "Crime and Punishment" Now that was interesting. A story that debated whether it was right to kill someone, so long as it was done for the sake of justice. Perhaps Horikita's taste in books was reflected in her personality.

"This seems like a rather well-equipped classroom. It would appear to live up to people's expectations, hmm?" Yes. The boy who'd quarreled with those women on the bus.

"Tsk I guess my bad luck hasn't run out" Horikita muttered

This troublemaker had been placed in Class D with us. Without seeming to notice our presence at all, he went over to his sit and sat. I wondered if such a person had ever considered even the idea of friendship. I tried observing him for a little bit. He put his feet on top of the desk, took a nail file from his bag, and hummed while he treated his fingernails. He acted as though he were completely alone. Apparently, the rude comments he'd made on the bus had been an accurate reflection of his opinions.

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