Vol. 1 - Chapter 5: Sakayanagi Faction

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Chapter 5 – Sakayanagi Faction

Kiyotaka's POV

I'm currently sitting at a sofa in the student dorm's lobby to wait for Arisu and Kamuro to arrive so we can go to school together. Arisu want to discuss our plan for the class while we do so. Several of my classmate walked by me to go to school, one of these classmates is Horikita, our eyes met for a few seconds before she averted her eyes on the way to school.

For the most part, that was the situation when a classmate pass by, but everything changes when a girl with a peach hair arrives.

"Good morning, Ayanokouji-kun. Are you waiting here for someone?

Ichinose arrive with a beaming smile and greet me while waving her hand.

"Good morning to you too, Ichinose. Yeah, I am waiting for someone."

"Hmm... is that a friend... Hmm... or maybe a girlfriend?" Ichinose said as she put her index finger into her cheeks.

"A Friend" I said

"Oh, if that's the case does you mind if I talk to you for a while? We still have time before the start of our class anyways."

"I Don't mind"

Ichinose then sat on the couch beside me. She put her hand together and look at me with a smile.

"So, what do you think our school, Ayanokouji-kun"

"Let see, I would say it was quite interesting, I thought at first that our school is too lenient for giving us 100k points but after what have been discuss yesterday at classroom after sensei leave, I'm guessing it was just a distraction to let our guard down."


Ichinose eyes lighten up with what I said.

"So, you actually believe what Sakayanagi and Ryuen said, that we wouldn't get the same number of points next time? I'm so glad."

"The way you reacted seems like there are people who believes otherwise."

"Y-yeah, unfortunately. I did ask several of our classmate about it yesterday, but only few of them thinks like you. Many of them didn't believe it, some believe it but argues that the change of amount wouldn't be that large so they still proceed to buy expensive things." Ichinose said with a depressing voice

"Sigh, I tried to warn them and they say that they'll keep that in mind but who know if they'll really do it."

"I guess most people are 'to see is to believe' type" I said

"Yeah, I guess that's what happen when a person who doesn't know the value of money got money. It's probably the reason why we got saying like 'money is the root of all evil' or 'money cannot buy happiness'."

"But is that really the case though? I mean if it was our modern society itself can be describe as evil and unhappy."

"In today's age, without money, you wouldn't be able to eat, you wouldn't have a house to stay, you wouldn't have a good education, you wouldn't have access to health care, you wouldn't even make your love one smile as most thing they want need money."

"If we wanted to survive today, we need to rely on evil which is money, but even if we do so, we wouldn't be happy. But wouldn't a person be happy if he or she have a food, house and other things needed to survive? How can we even consider those things as evil? Ahh... this is confusing, I shouldn't probably combine two quotes in one before analyzing them."

Ichinose continued to talk with still depressing voice, she seems to have deep knowledge about money. If I have to guess she probably encounter some problems related to it. I do know that people outside of that place needed money to survive, but I can't relate to that. In the whiteroom, what you need is your own ability more than money to survive, there are people who came from wealthy family in the 4th generation but their wealth didn't save them from being dispose.

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