Vol. 1 - Chapter 7: Meetings

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Takuya's POV


"Now Yagami-kun, can you tell us the point of this expedition? Nakamura complained.

I'm are currently heading towards the school special building together with my classmates. Namely Hosen, Nanase, Nakamura and Utomiya.

"We already explore this place before when we are mapping camera's location across the entire campus." Utomiya stated

That's right, it was one of the first thing I've done after becoming a leader. Besides Utomiya, Hosen also beat up some of my classmate who oppose him in the first day and he done it in front of cameras. Even so, the school didn't take any actions to stop Hosen. That's why I decided to fight him in the classroom. At first I plan to deal with him in some secluded area while selected people watch it as a witness but seeing the school inaction, I decided that it would much efficient if everyone see it in their own eyes as there is no danger to it. it's highly unlikely that they are delaying the punishment as that would be stupid.

"We're here for different reason, in fact this was Hosen-kun's idea. Regardless, we will act as if we're actually mapping out the camera" I said

"I see, though I'm surprise this guy is giving us ideas" Nakamura says as he look at Hosen.

"It not really giving ideas, if we didn't stop him, this guy will go on his own and cause us trouble" Utomiya argues

"That's right, I don't need any of your help here. If you don't like it, just scram" Hosen yells

"Sigh, don't worry Hosen-kun, I come with you since what you're about to do interest me, I'm not going to stop you here unless I deem it necessary" I stated

"Good, now then..." Hosen look around to ensure no one is spying on us, I do the same and also prompt the others to follow. When our privacy is secured, I then message someone to come out from hiding.

A girl came out who's currently balancing a scissors from his finger

"So Shiina-san, are they still there? I ask

"Yes, they enter the special building 30 minutes ago and haven't come out." She responded.

"Are you sure about that?" Hosen asks

"How foolish" she answers


"Calm down Hosen-kun, that's just how she is. Besides she did a great job for us the last couple days, I don't think she would make such oversight"

I said to ease the situation, despite these two having great abilities, they also have strong personalities. One believes himself to be the strongest while the other claim herself to be a ninja. What a troublesome people, good thing they are useful otherwise I wouldn't have patience to deal with their attitude.

"Ha, whatever I'm going" Hosen said as he walks to enter the special building.

Shiina then approach me to whisper something


"I see"

Then the rest of us followed Hosen to the special building


After a few minutes, we finally found the one we are looking for.

"Kukuku, what do we have here?" We stumbled upon an entourage of five people with a magenta long hair guy leading it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2023 ⏰

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