Vol. 1 - Chapter 2: After Class Trouble

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Chapter 2 - After Class Trouble

Kiyotaka's POV

The entrance ceremony was the same as any other schools. Some important people offered words of thanks, and the ceremony concluded without incident. Then, it was noon. After we received some general information about the campus, the crowd dispersed.

70–80 percent of the students headed toward the dormitories. The remaining students quickly formed into groups. Some made their way to cafés, while the louder ones went out for karaoke. The hustle and bustle quickly died down. Of course, I went alone. Ichika suggested before we separated that the four of us would meet after class. However, on a whim, I decided to swing by the convenience store before meeting with them.

"My, another unpleasant coincidence." Entering the convenience store, I ran into Horikita once again.

"There's no need to be so hostile you know? Anyway, did you need to buy something?" I asked.

"Yes, just a few things. I came to get some necessities." There was no shortage of things you needed when starting life in a dorm, especially if you were a girl. Horikita took various necessities like shampoo off the shelves and promptly threw them into the basket she was carrying. I'd thought she would choose higher quality items, but she only took the cheapest options.

"I thought girls usually made a fuss over what kind of shampoo they bought."

"Well, that depends on the person, doesn't it? I'm the sort who doesn't know when you might need money," she replied.

She answers with a cold glare, so I don't think discussing these topics with Horikita is the right approach.

Hence, I decided to change the topic. "I'm surprise you actually introduce yourself earlier"

"And why would you think I wouldn't?" Horikita asks

"Well, you tried to refuse when I introduce myself to you."

"But in the end, I did. However, I only do that because I thought that you wouldn't stop talking until, I gave you a satisfactory answer"

She's not entirely wrong about that though.

"The same could be say in class introduction, I already predicted that Ryuen would not let anyone skip or leave the introduction. If someone does, it would be a perfect opportunity for him to enforce violence. I could fight him but that would be too bothersome. What do you think is more pointless, arguing and fighting Ryuen or introduce yourself? I'm sure you know the answer." Horikita explained

"I see, but the way you do it means that you probably got their attention"

"So, you did pick up what Ichinose said huh, you're more intelligence than I initially thought"

Shit! I made a mistake; I unknowingly make myself more intellectual to Horikita than I should.

"No, I'm definitely sure that my intelligence is just average" I replied

"Sigh, whatever. Even though I do not want to involve myself in any conflict that may arise, it's not enough reason to make myself look worse than I really am.". Horikita added.

We roam around the store while discussing various thing we buy and its prices. While doing so, I notice that Kamuro and Sakayanagi are talking near the entrance. This gives an idea of a new topic with my talk with Horikita.

"Say, Horikita, who do you think should be the leader of the class?" I ask

"didn't I say I don't have interest in class conflict?"

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