The first day for the rest of your life

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It was a bright and sunny day. Naruto had just got himself out of bed. He made himself breakfast and got ready for his last day at the academy. Today was the day he would be put on a team and really start his ninja career. He wanted to be teamed with Sakura and Hinata. The reason why he wanted those two is because Hinata is his best friend. She never makes fun of him and treats him like a person. And he loved Sakura.

Something about that pink hair just set her apart from the other girls. He would always ask her out and she would just punch him in the face and run away.

He put on his Orange jump suit and made his way to school. When he made it to class the only people were Susake who was sitting in the middle row of seats just brooding away.

The other person was Shikamaru who was at the top level in the back with his head down to sleep. Naruto sat behind Sasuke and waited.

"Hey loser today is for those who could graduate and pass the final test so what is your dope ass doing here." Sasuke said as he turned around to look at Naruto.

Naruto replied with his foxy grin pulled out his head band "what do you think this is duck butt" as he laughed he heard "troublesome blondes"

All his classmates finally made it and waited for Iruka-sensei. He walked in and got everyone to quiet down.

"As you all know everyone here passed yesterday's graduation exam and know will be put on team and starting you ninja careers Its been my honor to have watched you learn and grow up i wish you all the best now for teams team 1-6 (no one cares). Team 7 is Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha and Chouji Akimichi.

"Yes, take that Ino-pig, I get Sasuke all to myself" Sakura screamed.
"Whatever forehead I still won't lose to you".

"Lady, may I continue?" he asked. They both nodded yes.

"Team 7 sensei is Kakashi Hatake. Team 8 is Kiba Inuzuka, Hinata Hyuuga and Shino Aburame. Your sensei is Kurenai Yuhi

Naruto's brain had a bunch of lights and sirens going off. He was pissed that he didnt get to be with Sakura or Hinata.

Iruka continued " team 9 is still a team so team 10 is Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara and Naruto Uzumaki. Your sensei Asuma Sarutobi . Your sensei's will be here after lunch to meet and pick you up your all dismissed."

Ino could believe it she was stuck with a lazy bum and the dead last
This can't be happening. She was shocked she just sat there frozen in time.

Naruto was pissed, does some just hate me up there or what.

Shikamaru was just going to make the best of it because he couldn't change it. It would be too troublesome to dwell on it. So he went to grab his teammates. He moved to Naruto first.

"Hey Naruto lets get Ino and eat lunch then we can talk about our team."

" ok i guess" he got up and followed Shikamaru over where Ino was sitting .

"Ino earth to Ino. INO" Shikamaru screamed.

She jumped and glared at them.

"What do you want?" she said in an angry tone.

"Where going to have lunch as a team. And I know you may not like being on a team with us but it's too troublesome to fight it so we mise well just get along. "Shikamaru replied.

"Ok your right Shika but i tell you this from this point i'm in charge we are going to be the best team of the year so let's go. Ino said

Thinking he would try he asked if they wanted to get Ramen but that shut down so Naruto just followed his teammates.

They made there way to the roof and sat in a circle the started eating there lunches till Ino asked

"So what jutsu do you guys know? "

Shikamaru was the first to answer."

I know all the academy jutsu and my familys too.

"What is that? " Naruto asked.

"My family uses shadow jutsu. "Shikamaru replied.

"That's really cool, what about you, Ino? " Naruto asked.

"I know the academy and my family's mind jutsu's."

So you and your family can read minds" Naruto asked.

"Kind of so you better not be a perv or i'll beat the life out of you" Ino threatened.

" I would never but the best jutsu I know of, the multi shadow clone jutsu.

Both looked at him" i thought you couldn't use clones" Shikamaru said

"I have too much chakra for regular clones so this helps" Naruto said.

"Well it's almost time we might as well head back" Ino said

They all headed back to meet their sensei.

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