A blonde wedding

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"So you want to move up the wedding? " Inoichi asked the couple.

Ino looked at her father " daddy I don't need to be 16 to know that I want to spend the rest of my life with Naruto" she said.

"I love Ino with my entire being. So I want to marry her now. Life is too short. I don't want to wait any longer." Naruto said.

"Naruto Senju, you have respected my daughter from the beginning. You have saved my daughter even putting your own life at risk. You are a high character man and I respect you for it. I would love nothing more than to call you son" Inoichi smiled.

"Ino Yamanaka you are the daughter I wish I had this last couple months have been a blast. Getting to know you. Seeing the way you care for my baby boy. There aren't many girls I'd be okay with losing my son to but if there is one, I'm glad it's you. So we will move the wedding up for the beginning of next month. So Ino I'll help you plan the wedding so in the meantime let's leave the boy to rest" Kushina said.

Everyone left Naruto to rest but he was just excited. He was going to marry the girl of his dreams.

Across town in the Anbu hospital itachi was having a conversation with Tsunade.

"So can you do it" Itachi asked.

"Yes I can do it, she will wake up with no problems," Tsunade said.

"Thank you very much Lady Tsunade for helping my mother and becoming my adviser," Itachi said.


At the tea shop Anko, Kurenai and Yugao were sipping tea.

"So how are you holding up Kurenai?" Anko asked.

Kurenai took a deep breath " I'm okay I was very close with Hinata but I've always tried to protect Naruto and when I saw almost die at her hand it crushed me.

Kushina is like a mother to us all. Naruto our is family. Family has to stick together" Kurenai said.

"Yeah family together, family forever" Anko cheered.

"Anko your so weird" Yugao shook her head.

A few days passed and Tsunade had healed Mikoto Uchiha a lot and it was time to wake her up.

Tsunade's hands glowed green as she touched Mikoto's forehead and her eyes opened for the first time in 7 years.

"Wh-Where am I Itachi? What's going on? Where's Sasuke and your father" Mikoto said.

"Please mother relax, it 's been some time since you awake please take it easy" Itachi spoke softly.

The next few day's flew by and soon word had gotten around about Mikoto still being alive.

When Kushina found out she was so happy to have her friend back. She broke into the Anbu hospital to see her.

At first she was very upset to find out what happened to her clan and family. But when she found out why Sasuke died she was sad but it was better that he was gone. If he was too out of control.

Mikoto was so happy that Kushina was alive to have her best friend and rival back life wasn't the same with out her.


On the day Mikoto got out of the hospital was the day Naruto and Ino were getting married. She was glad that her Godson found a nice girl to settle down with.


So we find Naruto standing in a black suit waiting next to his best friend/ best man. Shikamaru Nara.

"Are you sure you want to go through with this? It's very troublesome," the lazy Nara said.

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life. I love her. I would die for her. But now we got to you hitched. I see the way you look at that blonde sand girl from Suna" Naruto laughed.

"Troublesome" was all Nara replied with.

Soon Sabine started things off walking down the aisle. She had on a blue strapless dress that stopped at her knee. She had her blonde hair up in a tight bun.

Next was Kushina. She walked half way down the Aisle then Naruto helped her to her seat. Kushina was wearing a dark red gown that went to her ankle. Her hair was straighten down her back.

After that Tsunade came down the aisle next in a low cut lime green dress with a slit down the right side. With her hair up in a bun. Naruto also walked his grandmother to her seat as well.

Then the first set of couples came down the aisle linked arm in arm. Kurenai and Asuma.

Kurenai had a purple bridesmaid dress on it was down to her ankles. Her hair is up in a bun. Asuma had a black suit on with his fire emblem tied around his right arm.

The next couple walking down the aisle was Yugao and Hayate. Yugao was wearing the same Purple bridesmaid dress as Kurenai. Hayate was in a black suit as well. He looked sick, like always trying not to cough.

Then Anko and Kakashi were next walking down the aisle. Anko is in the same dress as the other bridesmaids. Her hair in a tight bun. Kakashi had on a black suit but still was wearing his facemask.

Next Konohamaru walked down the aisle in his suit. He was smiling as he was the ring bearer.

Then Moegi in her little purple flower girl dress came down the aisle.

Then Sakura came walking down the aisle in her purple bridesmaid dress and her short hair had been straightened . As she got half way Shikamaru met her and walked arm and arm.

Finally Ino was walking out with her father. As they approached Naruto he held out his hands to take Ino's hands.

"Take care of my little girl " Inoichi said.

"I will " was all Naruto could replied with.

"Hi" Ino said.

"Hi" Naruto said.

They approached the altar where Itachi was waiting to marry them.

"Friends, we have joined here today to share with Ino and Naruto an important moment in their lives. Their time together, they have seen their love and understanding of each other grow and blossom and now they have decided to live out the rest of their lives as one. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace.

Good now let's move on. Repeat after me I, Ino , take you Naruto, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part.

I, Naruto, take you, Ino, to be my wife, my friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward. In the presence of our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and enjoy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you, my partner in life and my one true love.

I will cherish our union and love you more each day than I did the day before. I will trust you and respect you, laugh with you and cry with you, loving you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles we may face together. I give you my hand, my heart, and my love, and my soul from this day forward for as long as we both shall live.

"By the power vested in me as the 5th Hokage of Konohagakure I now pronounce you man a wife may now kiss the bride." Itachi said.

Naruto and Ino kissed for the first time as a married couple.

"I present to you Mr./ Mrs. Naruto Senju." Itachi said.

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