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Another few weeks had passed and it was time to head back to the village. Ino was excited to have Naruto meet her parents.

They woke up early and packed up their stuff and made their journey home. When they made it to the village gates. Asuma turned to his genin and said " okay guys take the weekend off and meet me at training ground 10 monday morning so ill see you guys there."

He flickered away and to his dads office. He walked past the secretary who smiled at him. He walked in the door and walked over to a chair to sit to talk to the Hokage.

"So Asuma, how's your team? Where are their skills after your boot camp as you called it. "

"Well dad the team is very skilled. Shikamaru has an IQ over 200 and I have his skills at low chunin all around. And with Ino we broke her fan girl stage now she wants to train and she has perfect chakra control. That just leaves the heart of team ten Naruto. He came so far in a short time he is the strongest member of the team. " he grabbed his jaw " the kids got one hell of a right hook. He has two chakra natures lighting and wind and I'm showing him a lot of wind jutsu's. I got to talk to Kakashi to give me some lighting ones tho."

"Wow, that's good to hear how Naruto's teammates are treating him," the old man asked.

"Well Shikamaru has become his best friend" Asuma said.

"And Ino what does she think of him? Are they friends? Naruto needs more friends" the Hokage said.

"Well Ino and Naruto aren't friends," Asuma said blankly.

"Well that's too bad but at least his a got one friend" the Hokage said sadly.

" well dad, the reason they're not friends is because they're dating there more than friends" Asuma smirked.

"Really i should have expected that Minato and Kushina made plans for them but good for him I'm glad. I just hope that no says anything about the 9 tails and messes it up for him" the old man said.

Oh they know about the 9 tails and they don't care" Asuma said.

"Well I'm not happy about them finding out but if they don't care then i won't either" the Hokage said
Back at the village gate as Asuma flickered away.

"Dam it i want him to show me how to do that" Naruto wined.

"Troublesome " Shikamaru said and he left and headed home.

"I'm sure Asuma-sensei will show us all how to do that soon. Now let's drop your stuff off at your apartment. Then we will head to my house so you can meet my family, " Ino sweet talked him.

They made there way to his apartment. He unlocked the door and invited her in and he went to shower and change. Well she looked around his place. Naruto finally finished getting ready. He came out of his room in black slacks and an orange dress shirt.

Naruto looked at his beautiful blonde girlfriend. " well what do you think"

"You look great whiskers but one thing this place is a mess we're going to clean the place up this weekend. No boyfriend of mine will life in filth. Then we'll go shopping. You need more clothes that aren't orange. Then i'll take you to your favorite ramen stand for lunch, then you can take me on a date" Ino yelled.

"Okay sounds good" Naruto said he did want to argue with her and he knew she was right plus they were getting ramen so there was a win right there for him.

They then headed to Ino's house. On the way there Ino took his hand. So they walked hand in hand towards Ino's house when they came a cross Sakura.

"O my god you finally realized that Sasuke and I were going to be together so you settled for the dead last idiot at that" Sakura laughed.

"He is not that dead last anymore Sakura, he is better than Sasuke. He maybe an idiot sometimes but he is my idiot. So leave me and my boyfriend alone forehead" Ino spatted.

"Like That loser could beat Sasuke " Sakura said.

"I bet he does Sakura " Ino yelled.

"Like the dope could never beat me "
Sasuke said as he came out of nowhere.

"Oh i know i could beat you , you dick" Naruto glared.

"Fine then dope lets go i teach you to respect your betters. Do not forget i am an elite and are nothing and you're always going to be nothing" Sasuke said.

They made their way to a training ground that was empty. They girls were standing behind them. Ino was holding his shirt so it did get dirty. She blushed deeply at a shirtless Naruto.

Naruto got in his stance and waited for Sasuke. Sasuke got sick of waits and went in to throw a punch. Naruto even with all the weight on was super fast and blocking everything Sasuke threw at him. Finally Naruto got bored the punched him in the solar plexus, knocking the wind out of Sasuke and dropping him to his knees.

"This is over so much for being an elite. Naruto laughed. As he started to walk back to Ino.

" you will always be a loser and now I teach you and your demon slut a lesson. (Fire style: great fire ball) Sasuke wasn't able to finish the jutsu as another Naruto appeared and popped him in the back or the neck.

"If you ever try to attack me or Ino again i'll kill you Sasuke let's get one thing straight. I don't like you you think because you have a strong last name but that gives you some right that you're better than everyone else. Let me tell you it's not you leave me alone you leave Ino alone or so help me god, this village won't have a Uchiha left" a Naruto turned and was walking back to Ino. When she ran by him he was confused. Then he turn around to see that Sakura was going to punch him in the back of the head.

Ino quickly ran by Naruto, jumped at Sakura, grabbed her hair and ripped her to the ground.

"If you ever put your hands on my man again ill send you to the hospital got that forehead" Ino yelled. Then she jumped in to the shirtless arms of Naruto and kiss him passionately.

After their kiss he put his shirt back on and said" that was one hell of a homecoming."

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