A meeting with the fire, lord

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Two days later as Naruto and Ino were packing and getting things ready for their new house. They were currently in her backyard.

"I can't believe mom and daddy are letting me move in with you," Ino said.

"Well your dad said he would rather you move in then just lie to him and stay over anyway. I can't wait to see the house, '' Naruto said.

"I know I wonder how big it is. I can't see what your parents left us. Like how many rooms or floors and how big the back yard is " Ino said.

Just then the Hebie Anbu flicked into the back yard. She then waved to Naruto and Ino.

"Hey little dude, the old man wants to see you both in his office," Hebie said.

"Okay Hebie. Hey Hebie there is something I want to ask you." Naruto asked.

" What is it" Hebie said.

"I have always wanted to know why you have been so nice to me and protected me" Naruto looked at her.

"Well if you want to know back when I first became a ninja I was on a team called Orochimaru. He was my sensei and I wanted to be the best for him. When he betrayed the leaf he took me with him and I didn't at the time that he did that. So when I left with him he did a lot of bad things to me and left me for dead. So when the Anbu found me and brought me back. A lot of people hated me like they did you.

So when I tried to stay a ninja at first no one wanted me then your mother took me under her wing and put me on her squad with neko and another girl named Kurenai. We all became like family. She was like a mother to me. I loved her. So when she got pregnant with you she wasn't allowed to tell anyone but she swore not to say anything and told us. She told us all her hopes and dreams for you. So we all think of you as our little brother. So that night when everything went down. We knew who you were. so we have watched you grow and protected you as best we can. Kurenai took it the worst because you stayed with her for the first few months. She didn't want to give you up. But the Hokage thought it would be better for your safety if you were adopted. Which we all know now that was a mistake. You should have stayed with Kurenai. She looks in on you from time to time. Who would have thought that you would be the guy to melt the ice queen's heart. But you didn't hear from me, little brother" Hebie said.

Naruto did say a word, he just walked up and hugged her.

"What is this for" Hebie asked.

"For caring about me sister. I will tell both Neko and Kurenai the same when I see them next" Naruto said.

Well little bro you and blondie better get moving or you will be late" Hebie said.

So the took off for the Hokage tower. As they were running there Ino said " your mother sounds like a great woman. I hope I can be like her one day" Ino said.

Naruto walked in to the Hokage's office with Ino. In there was the Hokage and another man who was in his 40's.

"Naruto, my boy this The Fire Lord . The fire lord himself. He would like to talk to you, '' the Hokage said.

"Okay what's this all about? '' Naruto said.

"Straight to the point just like Minato you are his son yes" the lord of fire asked.

"Yes sir, I am" Naruto replied.

"As you know I am the lord of fire. I was good friends with your father. I loved working with him to protect our land. Maybe one day you shall pick up the you father's mantle. But That is for another time.

I have come to discuss three things with you. One is that now that you have your birthright you will have both of your parents bank accounts " The Fire Lord said.

"Really how much is it? Maybe I can do some upgrades on the house," Naruto replied.

" Between you both your father and mothers accounts you have 50,000,000,000 ryo. Its almost as much as mine. The reason why you're wondering is that your mother was a Princess of Uzushiogakure. She had a lot of money on top of that your father was Hokage and had owned a lot of land and businesses" the fire lord said.

Ino was seeing stars. Not only was Naruto a good man who protected her and loved her. She loved him back just as much. But not only was he super rich he was basically a Prince. It reminded her of one of her favorite books as a kid. Girl falls for a cute boy who everyone thinks is a street rat. Girl loves him anyway then comes to find out he is really a prince and they live happily ever after.

"Okay on to the next thing you have one living family member left alive. Your grandmother on your father's side. It's not very well known but your father was the son of Tsunade Senju. I believe after your father and your mother passed on it was believed that you two had died that day as well. So your grandmother left the village. She's out there somewhere doing what I can't say" the lord of fire said.

"You mean I had a family this whole time and she just left me," Naruto said angry.

" I know for a fact that someone on the counsel told her of your passing, who I am not sure of. I think lord 3rd should look in too very soon"the fire lord said.

"Yes I will have one of my best looks into it" lord 3rd replied.

That made Naruto feel better that his granny did just leave him.

"Now the final thing I would like you for CRA" the fire lord said.

"CRA what is that" Naruto asked.

" CRA is the clan restoration act. It means we would like you to marry many women to a lot of children to bring clan numbers back up. And with you being the last of 3 great clans you need to have lots of children. So Naruto I would ask this of you will you accept CRA" the lord of fire asked.

This is where Ino stepped in." I'm sorry to but in my lord but I am Naruto's fiance and I think I can speak for him on the one that the answer is no" Ino said sweetly but with anger and rage in her eyes.

Lord third looked into her eyes and got a chill down his spine. "Kushina had the same look in her eyes when I brought this up to Minato before he became The 4th. God that was a bad beating I took that day" lord third thought to himself.

"I see the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. The fire lord laughed.

"I believe I will side with my Ino on this one" Naruto does not wanting to hurt Ino like that. He loved her way too much for that.

"Very well then Naruto I shall take my leave I must return to the capital" the fire lord said as he left.

Naruto turnedto the man he looked at like a grandfather." lord 3rd may my team and I request a mission to find my grandmother" Naruto asked.

"I believe that would be a great Idea Naruto tomorrow you and team ten will go on your first B rank mission" lord third said.

"Thank you" Naruto said as he and Ino ran out of the door.

The Hokage smiled that the girl had a good heart. "You deserve it my boy plus if he get Tsunade back here, maybe I can finally retire for good," he thought to himself.

Later that night we find Naruto packing for their B rank mission.

"So are you bringing anything to learn on the road?" Ino asked.

"Yes I am. I am going to learn one of my father's jutsus" Naruto said.

"Which one are you learning babe?" Ino asked.

"The Rasengan," Naruto said.
The next day team ten met at the gates. Naruto had explained the mission to Shikamaru and Asuma- sensei.

"This is very troublesome, so now the two blondes are looking for a third, " Shikamaru said.

Asuma laughed and told everyone to keep sharp because they have a tail on them tracking them.

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