Chunin exams part 2

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Team Ten made their way over to the forest of death otherwise known as training ground 44.

A few minutes later Anko the second proctor appeared.

"Alright maggots listen up, I am only going to say this once. Take these release forms and fill them out. Once that is done. Please hand it to one of the chunin. Then they will hand you a scroll. It will be either a heaven or earth scroll.

Your task is to get both scrolls and make it to the tower in 5 days. Killing is legal in this exam. If you lose a teammate you fail. Those of you who don't make it to the tower in 5 days fail. And you are not to look at the scrolls till you reach the tower. Now pick a gate and good luck" Anko said.

Team ten turns in their papers and is at the gate when Anko comes over.

"Okay here is your earth scroll the gates will open in ten mins. Good luck me and neko are rooting for ya" Anko said as she winked and walked away.

"Naruto, do you know who that was?" Ino asked.

"Yeah, I think that was Hebi, " Naruto replied.

"Who's Hebi?" Shikamaru asked.

"One of my Anbu guardians from when I was a kid," Naruto replied.

"So what's the plan Shikamaru?" Ino asked.

I think the best course of action is to get a scroll quickly and get to the tower as fast as we can" Shikamaru said.

They looked and nodded to each other. A few min later the horn went off and a few hours later they had to stop to take a break.

"It's harder to find people than I thought," Naruto said.

Just then they heard laughing. When 3 mist ninjas jumped down from a tree.

"Oh look what we have here, a little rookie team all alone" one of them said.

"Look at the blonde, she looks fun. I want to play with her" another said.

This is troublesome, just give us your scroll and leave" Shikamaru said.

"We are not leaving till we have killed you and had some fun with your blonde haired teammate" the creep said.

"Sorry i don't swing that way" Naruto said.

"Why you little... You die first " as he rushes at Naruto.

(Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu) Naruto yelled.

100 Naruto's rushed the team and beat them to a bloody pulp.

"Naruto, why didn't you let us help?" Ino asked.

"Well I have more chakra than almost anyone else. I have a lot to go around you guys don't. So I want you to keep your strength for the next part of the exam" Naruto said.

"That's really smart," Ino teased.

"Oh, would you look at that heaven scroll? Let's move to the tower" Shikamaru said.

They all made their way to the tower but Naruto left one clone of himself.

The creep mist ninja was starting to wake up when he realized he was tied to a tree.

"I have one bone left to pick with you and I'm going to hurt you really really badly. This is what you get for threaten my Ino with rape" Naruto/clone said.

He charged a blue ball of chakra in his hand.

"Please stop, I'm sorry," the creep said.

"I'm sorry to.... Now scream for me. (Rasengan)" Naruto yells and slams the ball of chakra into his groin.

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