Na-Naurto how I thought

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One month of running around the 5 great nations and are no closer to finding Tsunade. They had been to every bar, casino and gambling house. They were about to give up when they saw a man come outside through a brick wall.

Ino looked into the hole the guy came to and saw a late 30 something blonde woman yelling at some other guy.

"Who do you think im am some poor young girl you can take advantage of I am Tsunade the Sonin. One of the legendary 3 and you think you grab my ass boy you picked the wrong woman to mess with" Tsunade said.

Behind her was a girl in her early 20s with short black hair holding a pig try to convince her not to damage the whole place.

Ino and team ten had split up to cover more ground so they will have to find the others late. So she made her way into the building to make herself known.

"Hi lady Tsunade I'm Ino Yamanaka. My team and I are on a b rank mission to find you. We have some important news for you but first I have to meet up with my team. If you could please follow me" Ino asked.

"And why should I follow you little girl? The leaf has nothing left to interest me any more. There's no one left anymore" Tsunade said with a sad tone.

"Please lady Tsunade please meet my sensei. I have no doubt that if you listen to what he has to say you will come back with us" Ino pleaded.

"You have sparked my interest so I will meet your sensei. Please lead the way. Come on Shizune, let's go" Tsunade said.

"Yes ma'am," Shizune said.

As they made their way to the meet up point they met up with Shikamaru.
Finally they made it where Asuma and Naruto were waiting.

"It's been some time since I've seen you, lady Tsunade," Asuma said.

"Yes it has but what is it that you need to tell me not that i mind this little trip down memory lane but I would like you to get on with it because I have no intention of going back to the leaf I have lost to much" Tsunade said.

Naruto just stood there and smiled. He wasn't really sure what to do.

"Lady Tsunade, what if I told you you have lost everything that you still have in the leaf?" Asuma said.

"What are you talking about, that goddamn fox finished off my family 12 years ago, that's what I was told," Tsunade sadly responded.

"Well you lied to lady Tsunade, this is Naruto your grandson" Asuma said.

She looked at Naruto and tears started to come down her face.

"Na-Naruto I-I thought you had died with your parents. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you." Tsunade said as she fell to her knees.

Naruto starts crying"It's okay grandma. I know you wouldn't have left me. You were lying too" he walked up and hugged her. She hugged him back and he felt her loving embrace. They both cried together for few minutes till Naruto said "I'm so glad I found you I love you grandma"

"I love you too dear and now that I found you I will never leave you again. But now we must go back to the leaf. I have to kill Danzo. That old fuck is dead. I'm going to ring his neck. So let's go, '' Tsunade said.

"Well this was troublesome," Shikamaru said.

"Will you shut up and be happy for Naruto. My baby now has some family in his life. I'm so happy for you baby" Ino smiled.

"Oh grams this is Ino, the love of my life," Naruto said as he took Ino's hand.

Tsunade looked at Ino for a few moments then asked " are you a Yamanaka Ino "

Ino smiled "yes my father is Inoichi Yamanaka and my mother is Sabine Yamanaka" .

"Well it appears as if your mother's got their wish and Naruto is Shizune. She's your aunt" Tsunade said.

He ran to her and hugged her too. She happily hugged him back and kissed him on the forehead. "I'm glad I got to meet you, Naruto," Shizune said.

"I'm glad I got to meet you, too aunty," Naruto said with tears in his eyes.

"Well now that we found you let's go home." Asuma.
The sound of three body's hitting the ground as the crow Anbu finished off the elders. Then flickers to the Hokage's office.

"It is done, my lord, " crow said.

"Good crow, how are your new eyes? " lord third said.

"They're fine but Danzo and the other elders are dead so 3 down one to go. Then the honor of the leaf will be restored, "Crow said.

"Yes it will, we can no longer let the past mistakes plague us. I have a new vision for the leaf and you're a big part of it " lord third said.

"What do you mean Naruto is with Ino" Hinata yelled.

"My mom said that she saw them at the counsel meeting there going to get married. From what it looks like he loves her he killed Sasuke for her. She loves Hinata. There is not much you can do" Kiba said.

"Hey I was always being nice to him being friends with him and he jumps like a dog at the first girl that batts her eyes at him" Hinata yelled.

"Hey there is nothing wrong with dogs," Kiba replied.

"You know what I mean Kiba. I am a goddamn princess I get what I want so if that blonde bitch thinks she can take what's mine she is mistaken. If I can't have him, no one will, '' Hinata said.

At that time Sakura was sitting on a bench in the park thinking about how her life has changed in the past few years.

"I really liked Sasuke but he's gone now. I can't believe he picked Ino over me. I loved him but she likes Naruto. I don't get it. But I miss my friend. Ino was my only friend and I threw it away for a boy. What the hell is wrong with me? I want my friend back even if I have to be friends with Naruto , I will". She thought as she got up and ran home.
Neko ,Hebie and Kurenai were at their favorite dango shop.

"Well it's been some time since we did this," Kurenai said.

"Yes it has," Hebie said.

"So what do we all think of little brother's blonde girlfriend?" Neko asked.

"I like her. She's got spunk and she really cares for him. Plus if she hurts him she's snake food" Hebie said.

"She's cute but I know my student has her eyes set on him as well and she's a nice girl," Kurenai said.

"You mean the hyuga girl?" Neko asked.

"Yes she's a nice quiet girl but she's a little shy tho" Kurenai said.

"That girl is not shy, she's got everyone fooled. She just doesn't want to act like the other Hyuga, that's all. I bet she's bitch under that shy mask she wears" Hebie said.

"Hebie leaves Kurenai's student out of this. And get back to the subject at hand about Naruto being with Ino. Now I for one love her. She reminds me so much of Kushina it's scary. So I feel like we should look out for her as well" Neko said.

"You're right, we should," Kurenai said.

"Yeah mite as well look out for her for the little dude" Hebie said.

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