Future darkness

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There Naruto  stood in the dark calling out for Ino. It was so dark he could even see his hands right in front  of his face.
"Ino are you there. Is there anyone out there." Naruto yelled.

Then there was a blinding bright flash of light. After the brightness came down a little, Naruto saw a pair of purple eyes with rings in them.

Then there was another flash he see Asuma sensi dead. Then another flash shikamaru dead. Then another flash his grandmother dead. And another his mother dead and Ino's parents dead. Then finally he sees the thing he fears most. He sees Ino die as black rods are stabbed through her chest.
Naruto starts screaming so loud he wakes the whole house.

Ino is first to try and wake him "babe, babe are you okay". Ino cries.

He just screamed. Then Kushina came running in.

"Naruto are you okay honey its momma and Ino your okay babe you need to stop screaming." Kushina cried.

Blue chakra started to cover him and the screaming stopped. Then Naruto woke up. He opened his eyes and looked at his mother and he's wife.

Both were shocked at what they saw. Ino didn't know what to make of it. Kushina couldn't believe her eyes.

"This is once in a generation kind of ability her son just unlocked. I need to go see the hokage at once " she thought.

"Naruto before I go see the hokage tell me what you saw" she asked.

"Purple eyes staring at me then i saw you all die" Naruto cried.

" Dam I didn't think this would happen but you have unlocked an ability that's once a generation kind of thing. I'm going to see the Hokage about taking you on a training trip Ino your coming to. I'll be back soon" Kushina said.

"But wait mom what's this ability I unlocked called" Naruto asked.

"Its called the ".......


As Kushina made her way to the Hokage she was forming a plan as to what to do next. Itachi  saw Kushina right away.

" What can I help you with Aunt Kushina? " Itachi asked.

"I need to take Naruto on a training trip. He has unlocked a new ability and I need to take him. It might be some time before we shall return and I'll need backup out there. Because of the group after Naruto. I have a plan if you let me " Kushina said.

Itachi straighten up in his chair and asked "what's your plan. "

Well I need some help because as you know  Ino won't let me just take Naruto away to train so give me team ten with Asuma to help train them and some protective ninjas if we run into some of that group. So let me take my team plus a medical ninja on this trip to. I know Tsunade can't come because she is your advisor but we will need a medical ninja. " Kushina said.

Itachi sat there a minute then replied " granted but what about Kurenai and her team. "

"I'll talk to her and will figure it out " Kushina replied.

" what ability has Naruto unlocked?" Itachi asked .

" The Rinnegan" Kushina replied as Kushina left the Hokage's office

Itachi sat in his office "all is going as foretold "
He said.


Kushina went home and told Naruto and Ino to pack and that she would be back later. She left to go tell everyone the news.

Ino told Naruto to go buy lunch well she packed for them the training trip. Naruto left the house and head for his favorite place, Ramen place.

On his way he jumped through the roof tops when he was hit and sent flying to the training grounds .

" ooooowwww   I feel like I just got hit by grandma " he looked up to see and man in a black robe with red clouds and a yellow mask. He had haunting blue eyes.

"9 tails it's time to come with me and let your meaningless life mean something." The masked man said.

Is that supposed to make me fear you cuz I don't"

"Then you will die braver the most " the masked man said

Naruto storms at the masked man throwing a punch which the masked man blocks the punch and then choke slams Naruto in the ground. Naruto starts to crawl away.

"Perhaps I was wrong," the masked man said.

"It wouldn't be the first time." Kushina said

"It was foretold that you would be here. Are long awaited meeting has come at last" the masked man said.

"Glad a gave you something to look forward too" Kushina replied.

"My master will show you mercy if you help capture the tailed beasts  join me once again. " the masked man said.

" I thought I knew who you were under that mask but my husband could never be as vile as you," Kushina replied.

"Minato Namikaze was weak I destroyed him" he said .

" Then I will avenge his death " Kushina yelled.

" You will try" as he took his mask off and smiled.

Naruto was watching the whole thing and started shaking " NO THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE " He yelled.

As Kushina wrapped Minato in all her chains and was trying to squeeze the life out of him. He flashed away leaving a scroll in his place.
Kushina ran over to Naruto to check on him .

"My baby, are you okay? " Kushina cried.

" How, How is he still alive I thought he was dead. He didn't even notice me as his son. Just the beast he's after. " Naruto replied as tears came from his eyes.

"Honey, that was not your father, that was something else that looked like him, " Kushina told him.


Over the next few days everyone going on the training trip packed and got ready to go.
Shikamaru got a few family jutsu to work on well was gone.

Ino got family jutsu as well she was excited to train with her mother in-law.

Asuma was kind of excited to get away for a while plus he got to spend time Kurenai.

Kurenai was excited to spend time with her mother figure and her new boyfriend.

Anko was happy to go with her family she would die to protect them.

Yúgao was excited to see new place with her little brother

Shizune was going to play doctor on this trip because Tsunade had to stay in the village.

Kushina just wanted to see her son happy.

Naruto was wrapped in his own thoughts about all that was happening. The first night they left after everyone had gone to bed but Naruto was awake sitting by the fire when he pulled out the scroll his father had left when his mother fought him and his mother. In the scroll was the story of what happen to Him during and after the 9 tails attack.


In a far away place Minato is seen going a a cave there sat on an iron throne a hooded figure with an orange mask.

"My master he is almost ready" Minato said

" good "the hooded figure said "gather the others, it's time to begin the hunt " pulling away his hood revealing two Mangekyō Sharingan.

               Too be continued in book 2
                 gods and monsters

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