Chapter 5: Lesso's past

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TW: Abuse, assault, ed, and alcohol

I gently took my hand and brushed the stray red curls out of Leanora's face. It had been a good 15 minutes since I had first brought her into the bathroom, and we both had no more tears left to shed. I lifted her chin and gently forced her to look me in my eyes. I could see how fragile she was in that moment. Lady Lesso. Dean for the school of evil, the very woman that I came to associate with grace, elegance, and power, looking like a small broken child. I calmly asked her"Leo what happened?". She looked away from me briefly and then took a deep breath as she told me her story.

I should have told Clarissa the truth a long time ago. I was scared of how she'd react once she knew. "Remember how we used to sneak around after dinner every night and meet up by the lake?" I asked her. She nodded and I noticed how her eyes made her remember those moments. "The reason I stoped one day was because he threatened to kill you." Silence. "It started out small, he was a teacher with great power and I was a girl who had just come from nothing. I wanted to be like him." "His name was Rafael." I heard her suck in her breath recognizing his name from the previous events with Sophie and Agatha. "It was wonderful at first. He told me that I was his love. The one and only." "He noticed you. He asked if I was friends with you, I nodded not thinking about what could have happened." Claire slowly reached out and gently took my hand in hers. "I was blinded by what I thought was love for him, he said if I enjoyed being around you then I must love you. If I loved you then I didn't love him, that was the first time he hurt me." "It wasn't physical at first but it soon started to be. The last year in school was a living nightmare for me. I wasn't allowed to speak to anyone but him." "The night before the winter holidays came, and he walked into my room drunk. He forced me to do things to him that I never wanted." I start to feel my eyes go glassy, and Clarissas face was one of pure horror. "He beat me after. He said that my body was disgusting and was horrible for him to look at." I didn't eat for 3 weeks straight. I looked away for a moment while trying to catch my breath, noticing how it was slightly shaking. "The night he left... he used a spell that was of his invention, it felt like my skin was being burned and stabbed at the same time. He beat me till I couldn't see straight, leaving me alone on my dorm floor." Clarissa grabbed me and immediately pulled me into a tight hug after hearing what I told her.

That fucking asshole!! I couldn't believe that someone could do those things to Leanora, let alone when she was only a teenager!! Dovey remembered how she felt that night after Leo stopped meeting her at the lake for there nightly conversations. I remembered thinking that she was just being a never and was just playing with my head. If only I had known what was really happening. I looked at Lesso, who by now had silent tears dripping down her face as she looked at the floor. I was furious but not at her. I gently guided her into the bed in the middle of the room so that she could comfortably rest. I promised myself that I would watch out for her and try and notice the signs for when she was hurting. I always wanted to be there for her.

I was finally able to pick the lock to Lady Lesso's room after 20 minutes of trying (a skill in which I learned after my mother would lock me out of the house.) I looked at the women laying in the bed, who had shown be little bits of kindness in the days before, allowing me to cry on her shoulders. The good dean was sitting in the chair next to the bed quietly talking to her. I noticed the deep bags under Lady Lesso's eyes telling me she hadn't slept, as well as the bandages wrapped around her forearm. I walked over to her and noticed her gaze shifting to me. The good dean stood up to kick me out of the room, however Lady Lesso quietly told her to stop and let me stay. The good dean stood there shocked for a moment and mumbled something about going to get a cup of tea, leaving the two of us alone. I sat down on the edge of the bed next to her, and fidgeted with my thumbs to avoid her gaze. All at once I burst out saying "I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to hurt you." Lady Lesso looked at me with soft eyes confused at the words I had just said. "Y/n... I was hurt by someone just like you where hurt by your mother, I never said anything because I thought it was love. I know you never ran away from your mother because you also thought it was love..." she said softly. I felt bad still somehow thinking that I was to blame for her being hurt. She gently lifted my chin to meet her eyes with her good hand, as she brushed my cheek with her thumb gently calming me. "Don't ever say that again." She said with a demanding but yet still soft tone. "You don't hurt people." Whatever happened to me had nothing to do with you." I leaned down to hug her and to my surprise she allowed me to. She pulled my legs onto the bed so that I was laying next to her. I must have dozed off because I don't remember anything else after that.

I looked at the sleeping girl next to me. I never would have let anyone else but dovey be this close to me. Why? I wondered. I held onto her making sure she was comfortable as I watched her breaths slowly raise and fall. I felt a connection to her because we had both been hurt by people we thought loved us. I promised myself that I would protect her, I wanted to protect younger me. I felt if I could protect her then in doing so I was protecting myself. I layer my head back and for once had a dreamless night.

Im sorry if none of this makes any made sense in my head. Also thank you so much to all the people who have voted and read this books so far!! I honestly wasn't expecting this many people to... honestly I was only expecting like 10 people to- sorry about spelling and grammar!! Have an amazing night/day. :)) (sorry I know it's a shorter chapter)

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