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Soo-ah's POV:

"COME DOWN BRAT" mom yelled from down stairs. I got up from my bed and rushed downstairs. My mom is an abusive asswhole. It's not my fault that she slept with a random man at an early age. I got as quickly as possible downstairs. After I reached downstairs I felt a sharp pain going through my right cheek. This abusive peace of shit slapped me across the face. "Why did I do now" I said as politely as possible. "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU CHANGED YOUR LOOK ARE YOU TRYING TO STEAL MY BOYFRIEND" she shouted in my face. I wish I could send this woman to hell. "I changed myself to look good woman which is none of your concern and who wants your boytoys" I said as I felt another sharp pain going through my right cheek this time with force that I fell on the ground "Ah" I groaned in pain. This bitch didn't stop there she started to fucking kick me. "Ahhh" I yelled wanting this abusive piece of shit to stop. "YOU FUCKING DESERVED. YOU WERE NEVER MEANT TO BORN YOU ARE YHE REASON MY LIFE IS RUINED" she kept hitting me in all sorts of way until everything went black.............

The next morning

I woke up covered in bruises. That bitch hit me until I lost my vision. "Fuck....that hurts" I saud as the pain was unbearable. I looked at the time "FUCK....I'M LATE" I quickly ran to the bathroom and covered my bruises with makeup and got dressed in uniform with long sleeves. I ran to school. "Atleast I have my friends" I thought to myself. The same ones that used to bulky me. If I act like one of them I won't get bullied. "Jin ju" and "Minwoo" my only friends. As soon as I saw my friends instantly I stopped worrying and went from worry to chill. "Hey girly" Jin ju said said waving her hand. "Hey little Ju" I said smiling like a brat. "Hey I love your new hair. I like how you color the tips a bit blond" Minwoo said happily. "Why thank you girl" I said giving them a cute pose. "We are are getting late" Jin ju said looking at her phone. After Jin jy said that we three hurried to class. After we got there me and the girls sat  at our spot where we gossip. I personally don't like gossiping like why you wanna say something bad or even horrible about someone behind their back. I was interrupted by the teacher introducing a new student. She looks tall, blonde hair, pale skin. What the fuck am I saying. "I'm Seong-Min and I'm British-Korean. the same age as you and I hope that we all can study together" she said then giving a little bow to the class. Her British accent is kind of deep. So attractive. "Hey Soo-ah don't you think that new girl is weird" Minwoo said silently. I don't think she is weird but in order not to get bullied I joined in. "Yeah.....I know" I faked laughed.  I. HATE. THIS. I noticed that Seong-Min girl was looking at me with worry eyes. No I must be imaging things. Why would a pretty girl like her be worried for a complete stranger. From that day we started bullying her for being mixed culture. I never liked hurting anyone I never love see people suffer. I want to fucking die.

Seong-Min POV

"Please introduce yourself" the teacher saud and I obeyed "I'm Seong-Min and I'm British-Korean. the same age as you and I hope that we all can study together" I ended my introduction by bowing. Everyone here is looks very beautiful. I hope no one bothers ne and asks me about the UK. I got to my seat and sat "Hey Soo-ah don't you think that new girl is weird" the pink head asked. I don't care if anyone call me names. Later the black head joined in on with her friend. "Yeah.....I know" then she laughed. Tge tone in her voice explained that she didn't love making fun of others. And the way she laughed sounded faker than my mum's earings. I looked at her worriedly she just got mixed with the wrong crowd of people. She looked at me. She looks like wanted to smile but couldn't poor girl. From this day they bullied me everyday at school. But everything Soo-ah looked down I look into her eyes they doesn't tell lies. I feel bad for her. I wish I could do something. Wait.........I could do something.......time for my master plan. My parents are filthy rich sooooo....I have a plan thus us gonna be GREAT.

To be continued

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