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Soo-ah POV:

I slowly opened my eyes. Wires were attached to me and to a heart monitor. "Oh you woke up darling. How was your little Bo-peep (british synonym for a nap)" a familiar voice said from beside me. "Seong-Min" I said. "Yes luv" she said. Are you ok. "Did she do anything to you. She was touching you" I said panicly. "Woah whoa calm down. I'm fine" she said calming me down. I calmed down knowing she wasn't hurt any further by that woman. "Hey Luv do you like your mum" she said questioning me. "No I will never call that woman my mom. She is an evil witch" I said as I turn my hands into a fist in anger. "Oh then I don't feel bad for sending her to gaol" she saud casually. "What is a gaol" I said cause I'm not British and I don't know what that word mean. "Gaol is a synonym for jail. Also she is charged with child abuse and molestion" she said. And I smiled from the inside because I won't be have to be hit by that woman anymore. I can finally be free from that woman. "Hey I still want to apologise to everyone I hurt" I said talking about the bullied victims. She smiled and said. "You did not bully anyone. Rather you got mixed with tge wrong group of people" she said. "I know but they will never ask for forgiveness. I want to ask for forgiveness on behalf of them" I said as she smiled warmly again. "Record a video of you apologising to everyone and don't worry about the money they have stollen from the bullied students. "I will show them the video. Ok" she said and I nodded. "Here" She handed me her phone and a small tripod then walked outside the room leaving to record an appollogy that i also owe. I set the camera on the tripod and and started recorded. "Umm sorry for the pain Minwoo, Jun ji and i have caused you. Im really sorry about everything.  I promise once i get out of this hospital bed i will return everything they took from you. I hope you all can forgive me. Soo-ah out" I finished the video and stared at it. "If Seong-Min didn't transfer here I would never have grown the balls to apologise" I thought as I almost shed a tear. I stared down and didn't realise I was shedding tears until I felt soft fingers wiping tge tear away. " Was the apology too hard for you" a soft british accent came from infront of me. I look up seeing Seong-Min staring at me with a sympathetic look. I hugged her and broke down. She hugged me back..........

Seong-Min POV:

I broadcasted the apology video all around the school as anonymous. Most of the students pity Soo-ah. I secretly gave all the thing Minwoo and Jun ji took from all the students in this school. And bribed the school to expell those two witches. They are expelled, everyone pitying Soo-ah and Soo-ah's getting better already. Just what I wanted. I go to the hospital  where Soo-ah I in. "Hey" I said looking at her. "Hey" she said smiling. "Ready to go home" I said excitingly she smiled and looked just as exciting as me.

That night

In the afternoon I took her home. Yes to the little shack. Don't worry I will move her to my real house. Now after dinner I'm sitting down on my bed facung ky back to the wall. Soo-ah came to the room and and sat beside me. Suddenly she started to unbutton her shirt. "Whoa what are you doing" I said in shock. "Thanking you" she replied in a low voice that she wanted 'it' "you don't need to thank me" I said cause I didn't helped her I just got her out of her trauma. "Oh" she said buttoning her shirt back. I Don know what came over me and I suddenly hold her hand when she was about to fully button up her shirt. I took my lips closer to her ear and whispered "how can i deny if you want it" she blushed a darker shade of red..........

To be continued  (the next chapter is going to be spicyyyyyy)

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