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Seong-Min POV:

I got up from bed and walked to the brushed my teeth took a bath and went downstairs and ate my breakfast. I changed into my school uniform and went out the door. I walked into a forest and set everything for my master plan "the ropes ready, if tgere is any oxygen problem, that small window over there would do and most importantly the bed is ready for her to rest and this is a fucking forest so I guess privacy won't be a problem. Don't worry Soo-ah I'll fix everything you won't have to worry anymore" I thought to myself while checking everything. I walk to school hoping that the plan should work. I'll make up something for her parents. As I reached my school I saw Soo-ah hanging out with her 'friends' I lean towards a wall watching her every move carefully and waiting for those Candy-floss (in great Britain 'cotton candy' is known as 'candy-floss' and since both minwoo and Jun ji has pink hair sooo) looking bitches. Those fyckers finally went away to the bath I followed them. I pulled out my phone and started recording those bloody Muppets. "Ugh Soo-ah's really annoying.  Why the fuck are we still hanging out with her." The deep pink head said. "Patience honey, we will embarrass her and leave her in the gut soon" The lighter pink head said. Then hey both started laughing. Luckily I recorded the whole thing. I then walked up to Soo-ah.

Soo-ah POV:

"Anyway girlie I have go to go to the bathroom" little Ju said as she took Minwoo with her. "Ok" I said smiling. A few minutes later. The new girl not so new anymore walked up to me. "So how are you doing, looking quite short" she said in her british accent As she messed with my hair. Fuck....her hand felt good on my head. "Get your hand away from me" I said as I pushed her hand away. "Aww why so rude. I thought we could be friends" she said and dramatically poked me. "H-hey stop poking me, and we can never be friends" I said even tho I want to but I don't want to loose my current Friends. "Really now, your expression tells me otherwise" she tells getting dangerously close to my face. I feel the heat rising on my face. I blush and move away "n-no it doesn't" I said and I tripped and was almost about to fall. But I felt a strong hand on me preventing me from falling.  "Oh god are you ok" she said her tone becoming worried as heck. She pulled me from falling. I was so distracted by her beauty that I fell forward and I.......FELL ON TOP OF HER. My face literally got in her boobs, I heard a small moan in British. "Fuck did I made her moan" I thought to myself afraid of hurting her. "Are you ok, are you hurt anywhere" she said worrily. I blushed more cause I was on top of her FUCK. "Y-you don't need to worry about me I'm fine" I said as I quickly get off of her.....but she is so hot. How can a half foreigner be so hot.......

Seong-Min POV

I got off the ground. And helped her her get up even when she yelled not to touch her. "Ok then sweetie I will see you again" I said as I went to my class.

After school

I put a letter in her locker. And she came as she read the letter. I grabbed the amnistics and put some into an glass of orange juice. "Hey there you look quite nice today" I said as I winked at her. "Did you put the letter in my locker" she said. "Yeah.....I thought you were thirsty so I got you this" I said handing her the glass "I was gonna take it from you anyway" she said and took it then drink it. As she was feeling dissy. "What did you put in it~~" she said As she was about to hit the ground and faint. I caught  her. She felt so soft. I picked her up and took her to the shack that I inherited..............

To be continued

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