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Soo-ah POV

"You can continue what you were about to do" she said in her low and attractive voice making me blush redder then she took her hand off of my hand and rested her back against the wall. I stared at her blushing red. can a half foreigner be so fucking attractive. I started unbuttoning my shirt again revealing my bra. As she blushed a little she smiled. Fuck.......that smile is hot as hell. I slowly put my lips on hers. " fucking soft" I thought as I made out kiss deeper. "Mhmmm" she moaned in our kiss. I started to trace my hand on her body in our kiss. I forced my tongue in her mouth and she granted access. I explored every inch of her mouth. I broke out off our kiss and looked at her face. Her blushy face was so fucking hot. I moved my mouth to her neck kissing it softly and hearing her hot moans. "Oh shit" she moaned as I continued to kiss her. I moved my hand to her breasts Massaging it "ahh~~" she moaned as I continue to pleasure her. I slowly started to take off her shirt while still kissing her on the neck and sucking on it. "You taste good" I said as I completely took off her shirt and bra. "I know I do~~~" she said while moaning. Took my mouth to her breast and started to suck it. Mmm~~~ her breast tastes sweet. "Oh fuck" she gasped as I sucked her more. I kept sucking and then I flicked her nipple with my tongue. "Ahh~~" she kept moaning. "You Ahh~~ should mmm~~~ know~~~~I will top you. I will just Oh fuckkk~~~~~ let you have you fun right now" she said as she moaned louder. As if she could ever top me. I kept sucking her tit. I slowly made her full naked and started to finger her gently "ohhhh shiiiit" she moaned as I kept going. I kept fingering her till she was a moaning mess. "Fuck I'm gonna cum" sge said while moaning. I smiled to myself and fingered her with speed making her moans louder every thrust. "Fuckkkk~~~~~" she cummed all over the bed my hands, the sheets. I quickly lowered my head and licked off the cum on her body. "*Huff* you are actually quite good at it" she said as I laud her down. "I know I'm" I said as I cuddled her on bed. "So what does that makes us now. Friends with benefits" she said. "Lovers" I said ad I fell asleep tired from the fucking..................

To be continued

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