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Seong-min POV:

"hey" Soo-ah said as I was preparing supper. She lives with me now. You think I would let her go home to her vicious mother. Never in a million years. "Yes" I said as I came to her. She still covered in plusters. Getting lonely in this bed. "Do you live here alone" she asked me curiously. "Yeah.....I do" I said not looking to dodgy. "Where are your parents" she said as I begin to smile a bit. "They are in the UK." I said as I sat down beside her on the bed. "Doesn't it get lonely" she said giving me a sympathetic look. "No it doesn't" I said as I didn't wanted her to be feeling like a burden. "Can I ask you something just a little bit personal" she said as she looked down. "Sure go on" I said as I wanted her to know about me. "Are you a lesbian" she said. As I got shocked by her question. If she asked my bosom (british word for Tits) size I wouldn't be so shocked. My shocked face curved into a smirk. As I got dangerously close to her face. And then to her ear and whispered in my lowest and attractive voice possible "why you wanna date me" I pulled away from her ear. Her face red as as a tomato. "I was only joking. But yes I'm a lesbian" I told her the truth and as I was about to go get tge supper done I heard "wait" she said as I looked back. "Yes luv"i said as she turned more red. She finally built up the courage to say "I want to apologise to everyone they hurt. Because they won't apologise themself" she said As she looked down guiltily. "Sure, just give me the list." I said as I wanted to help her. We made a list of the bullied kids. She explained to me how they bullied the other kids. Perfect now I can fix her problem I school and get her some real friends.

Few months later

Soo-ah can walk now. the marks from her wounds are still on her body. We both walked to school. I helped her avoid her 'friends'. "hey Seong-Min" she said. "Yes" I replied. "I want to break my friendship with Minwoo and Jun ji" she said looking at the floor. "Yeah sure" I said agreeing in helping her. "I have a plan for you" I said looking at her. "What plan" she said questioning me. You walk up to them show them the video I recorded and say loudly 'I DON'T WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH YOU WITCHES' abd then walk away . If anything goes wring i will be here. Understood" "yes understood" she said as she started walking towards Minwoo and Jun ji.

Soo-ah POV:

I walk towards the witches I once called 'friends.' "Hey girlie" Jun ji said as she . I wanted to smack her across the face. She still dares to call me girlie. Minwoo smiled as she began to touch my hair. I slammed her hand away from my hair  They looked shocked as heck. As seong said they are not my friends. "I DON'T WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH YOU WITCHES" I yelled out with the recorded video showing them what they say about me. They both started laughing like the crazy maniacs they are. "*Laughs* you think we would be friends with you. You failed Disney princess" Minwoo said pointing at me. "*Laughs* don't make me laugh we were gonna embarrassed you anyway. Who would be friends with a loser like you" Jun ji said as she begins to cry from laughing so much. All the while I looked down and abstained myself from sobbing. Suddenly I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. "I will be friends with her." A familiar voice in British said. As I looked back I saw Seong-Min standing behind me. I looked away smiling and blushing that she is by my side. "Y-you pee head" Jun ji said trying to find an insult. "I actually like my piss color hair and atleast it doesn't smell like actual piss. Where your candy-floss looking head smells like piss like do you even use shampoo" she said sending the bullies run away. "This is not the end of us" Minwoo said as she disappeared from sight. I turned around and hugged her tightly. "Woah what happened" she said getting surprised by my hug. "Thank you" I mummered out. "Don't mention it" she said hugging me back. "Hey I forgot something at my mom's home. I will go get it" I said as I let her go from the hug. "Should I come with you" she said looking concerned. "No please just wait for me at home" I said not wanting to cause her anymore trouble. "Bu-" I cut her off by saying "please trust me" I said. "Ok I will trust you" she said looking more concerned and worried...........

To be continued

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