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Soo-ah POV:

"Don't worry I will be back soon" I said as I left to go grab something from my mother's house. "Be back soon" she said worrying. Why does she worry about me so much. There are a lot more beautiful girls than me. Why does she care about me. Why am I so special to her. "I will" I said and left. Some years ago. My mother was known as the most beautiful woman in town. She could attract all the men. And let them fuck her. And you know guys LOVE to keep their dick in everyone's buisness. But one day she slept with a man and got pregnant. And......yes you guessed it that baby was me. My mom said she wanted to abort me she should have aborted me. I didn't get a single drop of love that mother's have for their kids. Not a single drop of affection I got from her. Even after I was born she still kept bringing in men left and right. Yes she did send me to school. Not to for educated but because when I'm at school she can bring in more men. I got bullied every fucking day by Minwoo and Jun ji. I decided to change myself. I decided to change how I look. I dyed my hair tip blond and I wore outfits to look like them. I have a petite figur. Only then they accepted me or atleast I thought they did. Minwoo and Jun ji would find someone to make their life a living hell every single day. And me I was there trying not to get Bullied. And i couldn't leave them because I swore to myself that if anyone is showing me a drop if love a drop of afdection i will be by their side. But everything suddenly changed when a kind half foreigner transferred in our school. She is the reason I began to feel loved for once. She took me in, I feel like a burden to her. As I was recalling the past memorise I saw that I was getting close to my mother's house. I went in without knocking. And low and behold I saw my mom having sex with a guy on the fucking couch. "What the fuck" I said as that man stopped fucking that witch. And made his way to me. "Hey there you look so sexy. Why don't you join us for 'fun'" this disgusting piece of shit said. and mind you he looks in his mid-40s. I ignored him and went upstairs. To grab something dear to me. A stuff Teddy. I looked at it now covered in dust memories started to flood.


"Mother please buy me that" I said as I begged her to buy me that pink Teddy bear. "No and keep fucking walking" she said. "Well I will tell all of your boyfriends that you have a kid. That wouldn't sound right now would it" I said blackmailing her to buy me that pink Teddy bear. "FINE" she said as she bought it and threw it on my face.

Flashback ends.

This is the only gift I got from this woman. When I turned around. I felt the hardest slap I felt in days. And yes it is my 'mom' "YOU DARE TO SCARE HIM AWAY. YOU ANNOYING WASTE OF SPACE" she yelled at my face. I got up from the place I fell due to the roughness if her slap and started to walk out of the house. And i was about to walk out of the front door. She grabbed  my hair and pulled me in "ahh" I said feeling the familiar pain. "YOU DROVE HIM AWAY. SO NOW YOU ARE GOING TO DO HIS WORK" she said as she ripped off my shirt leaving my bra and skirts on. No no no my own mother is trying to rape me. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING LET ME GO" I said struggling to get out of her grasp. She started to suck my neck. "Ahh" a small moan left my mouth. Someone help me please. I don't like this. I hate it. She started to leave hickeys on my whole entire neck. This lady is my fucking mom. "Please stop it mom. I don't like it" I cried out not wanting her to continue. I managed to free myself of her grasp. And ran out the door. And I bumped into a familiar figure. The sent is also similar. Seong..............I recognise her sent. She put her cardigan around my shoulders. And pulled me in her back...........

Seong-Min POV:

I put her behind my back. I'm disgusted and horrified of how can a mother do that to her own daughter. "Oh and who you might be" she said as she got close to me and started inappropriately touching me. "Stop that" Soo-ah said from my back. She tried to stop this witch. But this witch pushed her. I watched in horror as Soo-ah hit her head. I gritted my teeth in anger. And as my bodyguards sent by my parents arrive. They pinn that old hag down." I'm your worst nightmare" I said look into her vomit green eyes. I went to Soo-ah and pulled out a recording device from her skirt pocket. Before poor Soo-ah left to go to her (evil lady's) house I hid a recording device in her skirt pocket. I gave it to one of my bodyguard to give it to a police. He nodded. And I know he wouldn't betray me. I picked up an unconscious Soo-ah and started to heading to the hospital. If I arrived quickly Soo-ah would have been OK. I hate myself for letting her go on her her own. Even me Knowing her mother is a monster. I have to have her on by my side and I have to be by her side. I thought to my self as I put her in the back of my car driving her to the hospital.

To be continued

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